Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Happy Sunday y'all!

We already got our walks in and we wuz happy pups bout it!

I think Finley might just be da happiest pup in da world right here.

I'm tryin to keep up wif dat kinda smilin, BOL!

Last nite, da mommas did a speshul candle lighting for Whitley and some westie peeps and pups who has crossed to da Rainbow Bridge.

Whitley's label had to be in pink of course.

Da candles looked really pretty.

Da candles were right by da pool in da Whitley Memorial Garden.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Flower Friday

Well, it are Friday. Not FRYday since dat are ackshually on Whataburger Wednesday, which are eggstra confusin, but I'd take fries anyday.

Besides bein Pizza Bones Day, it are also Flower Friday!

Today we has da flowers dat are bloomin in da Whitley Memorial Garden.

Dere are high biskits. I don't really get why dey are called dat since dey don't look like biskits to me. And biskits only happen occayshunally on da weekends so it are anudder confusin thing.

Although I'd take biskits any day. Not dat my momma shares.

Da Whitley Memorial Garden are all pink and white (along wif some Texas bluebonnets).

See, pink and white.

Ok, flowers are nice, but what about da pizza bones?  We hafta wait till tonite??

Ok, back to flowers . . .

Dey are pretty and I likes to smell em.

But dey don't compare to pizza bones. Or biskits. Or fries.  I'm hungry.

Wake me up when it's Cookie Time.  HINT: It's ALWAYS Cooke Time.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Worth a Bath

Notice how white and fluffy I are??

And Miss Brinley too?

Dat's becuz yesterday wuz a real #MondayFunday or Monday, Muddy Monday as dat YOU TOO peeps might sing.  Yeah, I had to get a baff, but it wuz worth it.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Caru Alligator Soft 'n Tasty Baked Bites from Chewy

Hi y'all! It are time for our monthly Chewy review!

Dis month, Chewy sent us these Caru Alligator Soft 'n Tasty Baked Bites.

Since we are gettin to have alligator treats, me and Brinley modeled my alligator dress. 

I in-hair-ited dis dress from Angel Whitley - she got it when she sell-a-brated her lastest birfday in Florida.

I let Brinley try it on too - momma says she are gonna get her own soon.

Ok, back to these gator-rific treats.  Da Caru Alligator Soft 'n Tasty Baked Bites are bite-sized, grain-free soft treats made here in da USA wif no GMO ingredients, corn, wheat, gluten, soy, or by-products. Momma liked dat dey wuz small and says she are going to use dem to try to train me how to get up in da big bed.

Da ingredients are: alligator, chickpea flour, beet molasses, vegetable glycerin, blueberries, cranberries, dried cultured skim milk, potato flour and mixed tocopherols. Finley got to test em out even though she are slightly allyergick to potatoes - kinda like how she gets a couple French fries on Whataburger Wednesday.

Well, dey look tasty!

Finley wuz focused on dat gator goodness!

She really liked it!

Brinley couldn't wait to try hers!

She wuz a big fan.

Finally it wuz my turn.

Yummm!  Dat alligator are awesome!

Can I have anudder?

Me, Brinley, and Finley is givin da Caru Alligator Soft 'n Tasty Baked Bites 12 paws up and 3 waggin tails!  Fanks so much for lettin us try these treats! As always, we wuz impressed by Chewy's fast shippin - our treats came right away.  Fanks so much Chewy!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, I wuz provided the treats for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for my opinion.  Although I could use a couple hundred tennis balls.  ;)

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Hope y'all are havin a pawsome Sunday!

Me and Brinley had a big advenshure yesterdays.

We got introduced to da pool float!

We liked it once we realized dat we wuzn't gonna drown and dat it felt nice and cool and we didn't have to swim or nuffin.

Maybe dis water stuff ain't all bad.

I even got back on wif my momma later.  She are talkin bout gettin some balls to try to teach us somefin she called Pool Ball.