Happy yappy Christmas!
Last night me and Brinley got on our elf jammies and waited for Santa to come.
Da mommas wuz watching It's a Wonderful Life.
It woulda been more wonderful wif westies.
Not a creature wuz stirring . . . mainly becuz Brinley had barked herself into exhaushtuns watching A Christmas Story.
Then it wuz Christmas morning!
We couldn't wait to see what Santa bought!
This is Finley's 15th Christmas!
We changed into our Christmas dresses.
Double da cuteness!
Momma made me take some photos wif her.
I luvs a Christmas hug.
And Christmas kisses! I don't even need mistletoe!
Look at that tree - it looks like Santa came!
The humans got their stockings filled.
And lotsa presents!
But enuf about them - Santa brought us presents first!
Finley got hers first.

Three new squeaky toys, a bandana, and a soft fleecy blanket.

Brinley did pretty good too.
She got a blanket and a new dress.
And what's this?
A penguin stuffy!
A Snoopy stuffy!
And one more . . .
A gnome stuffy! Brinley scored!

I couldn't wait to get my presents.

I got a new dress and a blanket.

And what's this??
Ok, I had to take a lil break from opening all those toys.
It wuz a pawsome Christmas! Made even better by a nice long walk in da afternoon and a few bites of ham. Merry Christmas and Yappy Howlidays y'all!