Sunday, May 31, 2020

Sunday Selfies

Well, pals, what can we say . . . 

It always are, but it seems a lil worse this week. Black lives matter. Obviously. Us pups never judge peeps based on their skin tone.

We judge based on important things, like if they have cookies. 

Anyways, we're not gonna get all pawlitical, becuz it are depressing and it just ain't what we're about. 

But we do wanna say we believe black lives matter and that what happened to George Floyd is absolutely horrible.

And we also wanna say - if there is going to be looting and riots . . . 

Can da mommas go loot Petco and bring home all the toys and go loot the butcher shop and bring home all the MEATZ???

Friday, May 29, 2020

Happy Anny-fur-sary!

Today it are my grandma and grandpa's anny-fur-sary. Dey has been married for a bajillion years! Momma says it are really just 38, but I says a bajillion!

So I had to give em a bajillion kisses!! Ok, maybe not a bajillion, but I are pretty shure it wuz more than 38.

Happy anny-fur-sary from your westie trio of terrierificness!! 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Smiley, Serious, and Sleepy

I wuz all smiles this morning!

Brinley went for da serious look.

And Finley looks like she's trying to decide whether she wants to wake up or not!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

New Dress and Haircuts!

Hi pals! Well, as ya can see, me and Brinley got haircuts yesterday.

For some reason, Finley got to escape da scissors. She did get her pawdicure today though and a haircut is probably coming soon. 

We also got to wear our new dresses today! 

Momma says she had a dress out of dis fabric when she wuz in 8th grade but it are too big now.

We think she needs to find it and take it in so she could match us!

And since it wuzn't raining today, we got to show off our new dresses. I went on a bike ride wif momma and we went on a walk later. We were stylin!

Tonite we watched Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey. Which da mommas saw earlier this year, back when they could go to da movies - ya know a bazillion years ago. Anyways, Brinley luved it! She luvs movies where women beat up men. She watched the whole thing and didn't even bark at any of the action sequences since the girls were the ones being badasses. I watched a lil, but mostly I wuz after snuggles. Oh yeah, and food.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day!

We thought we wuz gonna have a quiet Memorial Day here. It wuz raining and we thought it wuz just gonna be snuggles and watching The Pacific on HBO. 

But then da mommas got an idea. 

Yeah, a grooming idea. This are Brinley's after picture.

Then it wuz my turn.

Well, I can see again. I GUESS that are good.

Hope your Memorial Day involved less grooming than ours. And of course, thank you to all those who've served, especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice. 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Sunday Selfies

Hi pals! Well, we're dressed for a Memorial Day cookout. But given da Maysoon, uhhh, it are gonna be a Memorial Day takeout instead. But at least we'll be able to beg some of da mommas' food like always.

Brinley went for a smiley selfie today. And I photobombed. 

We had a pretty good day, even if it wuz kinda rainy. Bacon in da morning, a lick of ice cream tonite, a walk for me and Brinley, and lotsa snuggles for everyone!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Caturday Art

Hi pals! We had a pretty good day here! Even if it wuz just back to normal and no more birthday bock-ah-nail-ya. 

We got to spend some time outside, we went on a walk, and I went on a bike ride.

Finley is liking being 14. And we're still waiting on her BIG present. 

We also have some Caturday DOGerday Art today - a cartoon Finley in honor of her birthday!