Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Yappy Howloween!

Yappy Howloween!

Da three of us dressed up as witches! Double bubble, toil and trubbull . . . 

All three of da mommas is gonna be witches too, so we has a whole coven going here.

Earlier in da day, me and Brinley wuz wearin our Howloween dresses again.

And we practissed gettin treats!

Chewy even sent my momma treats - hey, where are mine??? I'll eat dose worms . . .

Hope y'all have a spooktacular Howloween!

Monday, October 30, 2017

Waitin for Howloween

So we is waitin for Howloween. 

And gettin ready to bark all dem zombies. And ghosts and goblins and vampires and witches.  And leaves, ya can't forget dem.

A bit of a dye-gresshun, but don't y'all fink my momma has da bestest pajama pants???

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Happy Sunday y'all!

We has been gettin ready for Howl-o-ween.

Da three of us wuz gonna be fairies (wif my momma bein Tinkerbell), but da weather had different plans.

Apparently it bein in da 40s on Howloween night are a lil cold for a Tinkerbell who are FINALLY gettin over bein sick.

So anybody wanna take a guess on what we is gonna be now?

Udder dan dat, dere are really nuffin new to report.

We's been gettin our walks and gettin to terrier it up in da backyard.

And Brinley has been barkin EVERYTHING on TV.

She are definitely da resident Barker-in-Chief.

I bark some, but she really luvs it.

As ya can tell, we has been modelin some Howloween fashuns on our walks too.

Which wuz nice and cool for a couple of days.

And of course, we has been watchin (and barkin) da football and baseball games!

I think Brinley wuz happy bout dat Longhorns win yesterday.

Yeah, UCLA didn't fare so good.

Tonite we is hopin da Astros can win Game 5!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Go 'Stros!

Well, momma had to break out our baseyball dresses for da Fall Classic.  I think we are just da cutest Astros fans, don't y'all?

Kate Upton wishes she wuz as cute as us.

Arooo! Go 'stros!

Monday, October 23, 2017

One and a Half!

Guess who are one and a halfs today!  Dat's right, it are ME!

Brinley, ya has to  wait a couple days till you're one and a halfs.  I WINS!

Finley just said she'll be ELEBEN and a halfs in a month.  Ok, guess she wins.  But I beat Brinley to one and a half!  I say dis means I should get an eggstra cookie.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sunday Selfies

So us pupses had a fun weekend!

Brinley decided to get CRAZY dis afternoon and jumped in da pool! Dat are nutso - besides gettin wet on purpose, it wuz only 70, so not eggsactly warm.  Even if my nutso momma thinks it are still swimmin weather. She got Brinley inside and her momma got her dry and warmed up right away.

My big sisfur Finley got a fur cut late last week.

I obviously did not.


We went on some nice walks dis weekend.

Other dan dat, we spent a lot of time watchin football.

And listenin to Brinley bark at da football.


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Blue Buffalo Boo Bars from Chewy!

BOO! Did I scare ya??  Ok, well, I tried. Usually I only scares skwerrils.

Chewy sent us a speshul Howloween treat to review!

And yeah, Blue Buffalo Boo Bars Chewy sent us are all treats, and no tricks!

We were so eggcited to try em!

We even got dressed up for da occayshun!

Blue Buffalo Boo Bars are crunch biscuits baked wif pumpkin and cinnamon. Dey claim dey is so good it's like Mummy made em - BOL BOL! 

Dese corn-free, wheat-free, and soy-free treats are made in da USA and are only 20 calories a piece! Da ingredients are oatmeal, barley, oat flour, pumpkin, flaxseed, cane molasses, carrots, salt, canola oil, cinnamon, calcium carbonate, l-ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate, mixed tocopherols, oil of rosemary, and Vitamin E.

And dey come in da cutest Howloweenie shapes - bats, pumpkins, and ghosts!

Finley couldn't wait to try hers!

Looks like a hit!

Brinley wanted one too!

Ok, when are it my turn??


Can I has anudder???


Me, Brinley, and Finley is givin da Blue Buffalo Boo Bars 12 terrier-fying paws up and 3 waggin tails!  Fanks so much for lettin us try these treats! As always, we wuz impressed by Chewy's fast shippin - our treats came right away.  Fanks so much Chewy!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, I wuz provided the treats for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for my opinion.  Although I could use a couple hundred tennis balls.  ;)