Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Happy Anny-fur-sary!

Today it are my grandma and grandpa's anny-fur-sary!

Me and Brinley wore our sham-pain dresses to sell-a-brates. 

Do ya fink Finley can help us snag some bubbly?

Monday, May 28, 2018

Yappy Happy Memorial Day!

Yappy happy Memorial Day! As ya can tell, we got our America on. And we had a fun day - I went on a bike ride, den we chilled in da backyard. And dere wuz BBQ and beer (I didn't get any of dat though).

And momma says we is gonna go on a walk in a lil bit!

Hope ya had a fun day too!

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Sunday Selfies

Happy Sunnyday y'all! We got a late nite walk tonite (well, ok, 9 are not really late to us, but it are late for our walk). Dat are what happens when it are in da high 90s - da walks either has to be early in da morning or late at nite.

At least dere wuz bunnehs to chase. We finks all da skwerrils wuz sleepin though.

It shure beats walkin in da hots!

Friday, May 25, 2018

Flower Friday

It are finally Friday!

We is lookin forward to da long weekend. And hopefully some tasty noms!

But today it are all bout da flowers. Pacifically, da daylilies which has taken over. 

Dere are orange ones.

And peach ones.

And multi-colored ones.

Dey are everywhere!

And dey is very pretty!

Dis one are called Kansas Kitten.  I's never seen a kitten DIS color, but I's never been to Kansas either.

Yeah, we has LOTS of em.

Dey bloom really pretty in da HOTS, which we already has a case of.

Dis pink one are in da Whitley garden.

And dis ain't even all da daylilies we has bloomin!

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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Tylee's Pork Jerky Treats from Chewy!

Hi pals! Well, birfday season may be almost over (Angelique's are da only one left and it are in June), but at least we gots to da anudder Chewy review!

Today we got to test out Tylee's Pork Jerky Treats.

So we had to wear our BBQ dresses!

Now we are ready to go!

Tylee's Pork Jerky Treats are made wif 100% pork sirloin.

Dis jerky treat has been thinly sliced and dehydrated for peak deliciousity. Ok, maybe dat are not a real word, but it gets da point across.

Tylee's Pork Jerky Treats come in an 8 oz bag. Dey are made in da USA and da average treat has 33 calories (but dey vary in size and can be broken apart if your momma are cruel you are a small pup).

We better hide da treats from Travis!

Finley wuz focused on her treat!

And being 12 didn't slow her down at all!

Brinley tried to take it right outta my momma's hand.

Look at dat tongue ackshun! 

Finally I got to try one!


I fink we all deserve anudder treat!

Me, Brinley, and Finley is givin da Tylee's Pork Jerky Treats 12 paws up and 3 waggin tails!  Fanks so much for lettin us try these treats! As always, we wuz impressed by Chewy's fast shippin - our treats came right away.  Fanks so much Chewy!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, I wuz provided the treats for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for my opinion.  Although I could use, well, anudder steak. And a couple hundred tennis balls.