Thursday, April 30, 2015

Stayin Cool in da Pool

Well, it wuz back in da 80s today, so I wuz back in da pool.  

Come on momma, I are ready for dat ball!

I barked at Finley and her momma to get in wif me and my momma, but it wuz too cold for Finley and Finley's momma wuz busy gardenin.  I like diggin in da dirt too, but pool ball are WAY more fun.

And dryin off by sunbathin sure are fun too!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Go Orange!

April is da Prevenshun of Cruelty to Animals month and da ASPCA are urgin its supporters to "Go Orange for Animals."  Well, dis month has seen some pretty terribull things, includin dat nasty vet down in Brenham who killed her neighbor's kitty.  Dat one really made me mad, I luvs kitties and dat sick psycho should not be a vet.  She should be in jail, and I are gettin real mad dat she hasn't been arrested or charged or had her vet's license revoked or nuffin yet.  Grrrr, I would luv to give her a big butt bite, but I are afraid she probably would taste like poison.

Anyways, dat were a lil digreshun, dis post are bout how I are teamin up wif Oz the Terrier to Go Orange.  I figured I would show off one of my dresses dat are orange - well mostly orange.  And if dis chikken dress has da added benefit of remindin momma how much I luvs chikken and dat she should share, well, it are just a side benefit.  Hey momma, it are cruel to deprive your furry lil BFF of chikken.  Just sayin.  

P.S. My good pal Sweet William the Scot are needin some POTP.  So please stop by his blog and send him some good thoughts and prayers, ok?  

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday Selfie

Well, I'd planned on doin a real cool pool selfie for y'all today since it wuz sposed to 88 and sunny.  And da day started out ok, it wuz sunny when I went on my Death March Zombie Patrol™and barked da cricket-playin zombies and da strange zombie dog tied up in da front yard.  Den my momma came home and cooked brunch - I got some bacon so da day wuz goin pretty good.  Me and momma wuz plannin on goin out for sun and pool ball, but den da clouds rolled in.    And da storms, dey are comin.  So no hangin out in da backyard, no pool ball, no swimmin, no pool selfie.  Just more storms, I are really gettin tired of em.    


Saturday, April 25, 2015

Openin Day

Now usually when someone are talkin bout Openin Day of dere favorite summertime sport, dey is talkin bout baseball.  Now, I like baseball - I are always tryin to steal da balls when da kidses are playin in da park.  But today are way more important and fun dan baseball - today wuz da day when my pool finally opened for pool ball!

I been waitin, anticipatin, for months!  Basically since pool ball season ended in October.  Today it wuz sunny and it hit 90 - perfect pool ball weather!  Da water wuz still pretty cold, but dat don't bother me and momma.  I has a nice fur coat and she has swum in da Pacific Oshun in February (you Californians know how cold dat can be) and used to go to Barton Springs all da time when we lived in Austin (in case ya don't know, it are always 68 degrees).

When momma picked up my pool float, I went nutso and started dancin.

Dat water sure felt good!

I wuz so happy!

Can't ya tell?

I went after dat ball like no one's bizness.

Not too bad for a 12 1/2 year old girl.

I luv bouncin da balls off my nose, it are so much fun!

And I luvs bein in da water on my pool float.

Can't ya tell how happy I are?

Back to hittin balls!

I still get pretty good lift, even if I don't play quite as long or hard as I used to a few years ago.  I still has a good time.

Here I are dryin off post pool-ball.

All dat eggcitement wore me out, I are ready for a nap!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Confeshun Time

I know I's sposed to be a West Highland White Terrier.  It are what it says on my "papers" and what momma has always said I are.  

But as ya can tell when I actually wear white, I's more of a West Highland Vanilla Terrier.  Or maybe Platinum Blonde.  Or eggshell.  Or ivory.  But not white.  And dis shirt are coverin da hair dat has grown in kinda reddish-brownish-blondish in my wrinkles.  Nuffin makes a westie look less white dan puttin em next to white.  I's just hopin my lucky shirt helps da Spurs out tonite.

We has been havin all kindsa crazy storms today.  When I went outside dis mornin, it smelled like da rain wuz comin, and boy did it ever.  Any more rain and I are gonna have to use my pool float just to get round da front yard.  But tomorrow it are sposed to be sunny and 90.  Which I are hopin will mean I can get to go swimmin.  Maybe if I work on givin momma my cutest face . . . I think I are gonna go practice.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Da Fiesta Dress Part Dos

Well, I showed ya one side of my Fiesta dress yesterday, today I are showin ya da udder side.  I didn't get to show off my dress to anyone else today since Zombie Patrol™ was cancelled on counts of thunderboomers.  Luckily, me and Finn ain't bothered by em like some pupses are, we just snooze right through em.

Dis side has lil pepper buttons.  When I wuz a lil pup, da peeps had a habanero plant.  In case ya don't know, habaneros is very hot peppers.  I'd pick da peppers off da plant, run round wif em in my mouth, den spit em out and bark at em.  Den pick em back up and do da same thing all over again.

I are still waitin for da margarita momma.

Monday, April 20, 2015

My New Fiesta Dress

It are Fiesta time in my momma's hometown of San Antonio.

And she made me a new Fiesta dress for April to celebrates!  Do ya like da sombrero buttons?  I'll be showin ya da other side tomorrow.

Ya know what would really go good wif dis Fiesta dress momma?  A margarita like dat pup in my header has.  And a chikken taco too.  I'll even bark it in español for ya - quiero un taco de pollo y una margarita por favor.  

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunday Selfie

Hey y'all.  We had a nice sunny day here so I spent most of da day outside wif my momma.  We's workin on our summer tans, but so far I think she are a lil bit ahead of me.  Oh well, I are just gonna pretend dat pale are da new tan.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Primal Jerky Chicken Chips from Chewy!

Hey y'all, I gots anufur review for for ya today.  Chewy are an online pet store dat delivers foods and treats right to your doorstep.  And I are finally gettin to review dese treats today!  After havin to defend da homeland against air condishinunin repair zombies and washin machine repair zombies, I deserved a new treat to review!

Dis month Chewy sent me da Primal Jerky Chicken Chips to review.  Ya know how I luvs chikken!

I wuz real eggcited bout tryin em.

The Primal Jerky Chicken Chips only gots three ingredients - organic chicken, organic honey, and sea salt.  So dat meant BFF Finley gots to try em too. And dese treats are made in da USA wif USA-raised chikkens.

Da Primal Pet Foods line are all preservative, grain, and gluten-free.  I are not sure eggsactly what gluten are, cept I don't think I wanna eat glue anyways.  Much less ten different kinds.  BOL!

Dey look pretty good to me . . .

And dey smell pretty good . . . 

My momma wuz torturin me.  Wif da way she behaves, she are lucky dat she still has ten fingers.

Dese are yummy!  I ate mine up right away and wuz beggin for anudder.  Da package says dat dese are for medium or large dogs, but I think dey is just dat right size for me.  After all, everyone knows terrierists are really big dogs in small packages.

Finley gotta test em out too - ya can see how focused she wuz.

As I said, my momma are lucky she still has all her fingers.  Finley luved em too, so we are givin em 8 paws up!  Da kitties, speshully Travis and Crockett, wuz after em too, but dese are for pupses only dis month.  Hahaha!!  

Again, we wuz impressed by Chewy's fast shippin - our treats came right away.  Fanks so much Chewy!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, I wuz provided the treat for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for my opinion.  No convertible, no trip to Hawaii.  Although dat would be nice.  Is ya listenin Chewy??? BOL BOL!