Saturday, November 25, 2017

Caturday Art

Wait a minute . . . CATURDAY art???  Da onliest art I knows about are Yard Art™ (which only very rarely are Inside Yard Art™, but dat are a different subject).

I dunno if we can trust Travis and Crockett dat terrierists are allowed . . .

Finley thinks we is being silly for being suspishus.

I just don't know - but just in case, we got all cleaned up for our artsy photos.

Which I guess are a reason why momma wuz bathin us instead of shoppin for deals on toys and treats yesterday . . . or a better reason dan not wantin a stinky dog in her bed.

So here we goes wif da ART.

Whoa, my furs look crazy!

Finley's do too!

Ok, da kitties were right, dis art thing are fun!

Da pawsome peeps at Chewy sent my momma flowers for her birthday (it are tomorrow!) Dey are da best!


  1. Hari OM
    It is indeed - and you artify real purrty...*cough*... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Fantastic art. I didn't think you could look better but you can

  3. Happy birthday to your Momma!
    I think you are right to stay suspicious of the kitties...
    Toodle pip!

  4. The art photos look great,girls! Happy Birthday to your momma!

  5. The art is great and yeah, dogs are welcome too!

    Happy Birthday to your mom!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  6. We agree that Caturday can be for doggies, too. You all look wonderful in the art and in the real furs. Happy Birthday to your mom!

  7. Da Bruins didn't send a b'day gift.

    1. Da early birthday gift wuz not bein da worst team in California.

  8. Oh, you gurls look FABulous in your artsy fartsy pics!!! Tells your Moms Happy Burthday!!!! (your Moms and my Mom are both Sags! Her Burthday is Tuesday!)
    Ruby ♥

  9. Those photos are very artsy. It looked like Finley was really cracking up laughing at you younger girls! How nice that Chewy sent your momma some flowers! Happy birfday from us!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. your art is BEAUTIFUL! Seriously beautiful!! Happy Happy Birthday to your Mama!! DakotasDen

  11. Your selfie art is really pretty. Hope your Momma had a good birthday.

  12. Isn't it fun to see how you get changed by all those artsy effects??

    And around here there have been some of those inside yard art surprises...mostly when pawppy goes to work while petcretary is still sleeping, and leaves the gate open fur Dalton...though sometimes MJF makes some art too...if he has a coughing fit or one of his dizzy spells, he might let some drop...they are true accidents cause who would do that right beside his bed?? Sigh...but at 15 1/2 petcretary knows he can't help it.the door was open for him ....

    Chewy is so nice to their customers aren't they! What a pretty bouquet!

    1. Finley sometimes is just stubborn - espeshully if the grass is wet. BOL!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!