Sunday, February 19, 2023

Sunday Selfie

Hi pals!

Well, I had a good weekend wif my momma.

I got to wear da new dress she made me.

Here are a close up.

And I got to go on my patrols!

I even had somebody tell me I wuz cute on da walk.

Oh, here's da other side of my new dress.

And momma has tomorrow off too! Yay!!


  1. the cherrie buttons are too cute.... they bring something of summer to this gray day...

  2. Now that is extra cool and smart! Love the lovely accessories too, fruity on one side and rainbow chic on the other! Perfect for two selfies!

  3. Both sides of your dress are so cute and you are too, Kinley.

  4. I love those buttons, Totally Magical.

    Toulouse and Marjorie at Dash Kitten

  5. Kinley, you are absolutely adorable, and I especially love your rainbow dress (as long as it's not me having to wear it). It reminds me of Angel Lexi. OK, I didn't ever know Angel Lexi, but I hear so many stories and sometimes she comes to me in my dreams). XOX Xena


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!