Monday, May 27, 2024

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day! Hope you all got some tasty noms today! I liked having momma NOT go to work today!

Monday, May 20, 2024

Music Monday

Hi pals! Well, it's Music Monday time again.

Da theme dis week are songs that remind you of your mom. 

Did they mean songs about my dog mom? Or my human mom?

I wuz all confuserated so I are just gonna let momma do songs that remind her of her momma. So much easier!

The last one is actually my momma's ringtone for her mom.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sunday Selfie Time!


Hey pals! 

Guess who got some chikken tonite??

It wuz tasty! I also got a walk today and got to spend some time hanging out wif my momma.

She says next weekend are gonna be extra long - YAY!

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Terrierific in Turquoise

Hi pals! 

Today I thought I'd show da other side of da dress my momma made us for our birthdays.

Wif a lil help from my BFF.

I wuz so happy to get to model!

And doesn't Brinley look pretty?

Here's a close up of da dress.

Arooo, looking good BFF!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A Mother's Day Visit

Hi pals!

Well, I got to go to Plano and see my BFF!

We had lotsa fun together!

And we got to see my grandma for Mother's Day!

Tonite we are watching Westminster.

Our cousin, Sevy (Elvador Starlight Goblet of Fire), won Best in Breed!

Go Team Sevy!!

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Toucan? Too Cute!

Hi pals!

Today I thought I'd show off da cute toucan dress dat my grandma made us.

I wuz so happy to get to wear it.

Brinley shure looks pretty in green, don't she?

And I'm not too bad myself either.

Here are a close up. Look at da lil toucan buttons!

Arooo, fanks for da dress!