Saturday, September 28, 2024

Pizza Please!

Hi pals!

Today I thought I'd show off my new dress.

And my BFF are here to help!

Da theme are pizza!

Here are a closeup.

Hmmm, dis dress are making me hungry!

How bout a slice momma?

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Double Westie Trouble!

Arooo pals!

Well I has been having a fun couple weeks.

But last week wuz extra fun.

Cuz my BFF wuz here to visit!

And my grandma too! We had so much fun together!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Mouses on da Loose

Aroo pals! It has been a busy couple weeks - my grandma and BFF came to visit and we had a lotta fun. More on dat later. Today I are gonna be showing off da reverse side of my new dress.

I heard those mousie dudes has shown up AGAIN.

Kinda bold of em - just who do dey think dey are?

Monday, September 9, 2024

Music Monday

Hey pals! It's time for another Music Monday - da theme dis week are to pick one of three "national days" and build a playlist about it. Da options wuz Cow Appreyshayshun Day, Dimples Day, and Sugar Cookie Day. Well, Travis took Cow Appreshayshun Day, so I went wif Sugar Cookie Day cuz I are a sweetie!

Brown Sugar by The Rolling Stones.

Sugar by Maroon 5.

Watermelon Sugar by Harry Styles.

Shake the Sugar Tree by Pam Tillis.

Sugar, We're Goin Down by Fall Out Boy.

Ok, well, maybe the songs aren't really about sugar cookies, BOL. Well, I tried.


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Mousies . . . Where?

Ok, I just heard my momma say something about mouses . . . 

I need to know where dese mouses are so I can give em da ol shakey shakey.

Y'all got any ideas on where dey could be?

Monday, September 2, 2024

Music Monday

Happy Music Monday! My theme dis week are Labor Day - luckily, I don't gotta worry bout dat whole job stuff! It pays to be a pup.

Come Monday by Jimmy Buffett.

Why Don't You Get a Job? by The Offspring.

9 to 5 by Dolly Parton.

Working Class Hero by John Lennon.

Take 'em Down by Dropkick Murphys.
