Showing posts with label dona nobis pacem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dona nobis pacem. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2019

Dona Nobis Pacem: Blog For Peace

Hi y'all. Furst up, I've got a lil health update on my kitty brofur Travis. He's doing pretty good today - eating good and no nasty symptoms. His tummy bacteria are gone and he are off of steroids and taking a milk thistle supplement to help with his liver. Da vet suspects IBD and hepatitis, but as long as he is doing good, momma is not taking it in since stress are not good for him and he seems to be doing ok. He could still use some POTP though. 

Today we's joining annual blog blast for peace. Now you're probably wondering what terrierists know about peace since we can be a feisty bunch (ESPESHULLY Finley). Dis year's theme are "change your climate." It could mean a lotta things, your pawsonal climate, the environment, the air conditioner (just kidding on that one). We's choosing to talk about the da climate around ya. Dere's a lotta negativity out there and lotsa mad peeps. Seems like somebody are mad about EVERYTHING and not just scary threatening things like yard signs or flags.  So what's a pup to do??

We say change your climate by focusing on da good things in life. Enjoy da peanut butter cookie today and don't stress about da baff tomorrow. Go take your pup on a walk and enjoy da great outdoors (even better if skwerril chasing are involved). Don't get bogged down in silly online fights and negative social medias. Focus on da positive stuff, like a trio of adorable westie girls. And pet a dog - ya know ya want to and ya know we want ya too! It's a win-win!  

Since it are also Music Monday, we's sharing some peace-related/anti-war tunes for ya. Lone Star Cats will have some more.

Ice cream and a hug sounds good to me!