Sunday, January 29, 2012

Momma Are Being Unreasonable!

She are demanding I stop rubbing my bootie and my back on anything and everything.  She says it are because da skin on my back are all red and I have lost some hairs back there.  So now she are going crazy if she seems me trying to rub on stuffs.  She has got to ruin all my funs!

At least she took me on walkses this weekend.  I got some good barking and stuff in.

Me and dat Maurice cat have been havin' a pretty good time.  He has stopped slappin' me around quite so much which I preciate.


  1. Aww...we feel bad for you Whitley!! We DO love that outfit you are wearing!!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

    1. Thanks! I got some compliments on it on my walk! It made me real happy to get complimented. :)

  2. I do that too if I have too much wheat...maybe you are allergic too:)?!

    1. Momma thinks it are just a hot spot. I's had them before and I's never had any allergies. She got some hot spot spray, so hopefully I'll be feeling all better soon!

  3. Whitley,
    You are such a cutie patootie! So happy dat we is furiends now. We hopes your back and bootie get better and your itchies go away real soon :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  4. Whitley-
    I like to rub underneath all the big bushes in the yard. Mom sees the bushes just shakin' and shakin'...Eeeeek!
    A good back and butt scratch IS AWESOME! :D


  5. Hi Whitley... That is certainly a BEAUTIFUL Valentine's Day Dress. You look Grrrreat in Red and white.

  6. Just popping across to say hi and hope you have a grrrrreat weekend.

    Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

  7. Hi Whitley , what a beautiful picture. But we are sad that you are having an itchy back and rear end. My predecessor Hamish the Westies had lots of itchiness problems too. Gail tried load of different things, but in the end the only thing that reliably calmed it down was steroids. Oh and the bath of porridge that one of our dearest bloggie pals, Asta, prescribed via photoshop!

    Toodle pip!

  8. Hi new friend, you are a cutie
    Bennyb& Lily


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!