Sunday, August 10, 2014

Black and White Sunday

Hey pals, y'all like my sleepyhead Sunday photo?  I were tired after goin on my zombie patrol, dere weren't any zombies out today so it were kinda boring.  And hot since it wuz 103 today.  Not while I were walkin, but it were gettin dere.

I were doin my Ted impreshun when I first started out.  Has y'all seen Ted da Basset go for a walk??

Only I wuz more on my belly and not on my side.  Momma says she are gonna try to get a video of it.

Dis video reminded me of our basset Hanky Panky.  Back when I were just a lil puppy a bazillion years ago, da mommas took me and Hank on a walk.  I were full of puppy energy and Hank were full of basset stubbornness and wanted to sit down.  I kept yippin at him to get movin, but he kept sittin.  Now I are da one doin da sittin and momma made some kinda snotty comment bout gettin a lil puppy to yip at me.

Do y'all think I are maybe turnin into a basset?  It would explain da wrinkles on my back.


  1. Hah! Turnin into a basset??? I fink NOT! Just a typical stubborn TERRIER! My momma gets fwustwated wiff me cause I sit and SNIFF for minutes, hours, monfs, or somefing like dat!! Lub, Cassie

    1. Dat do not explain da wrinkles though, momma has never seen a westie wif back wrinkles. And I got tons of em.

      But yeah, I got dat stubborn terrierist thing down good!

  2. Wow, 103 degrees? I would stay inside and sleep too!

  3. Haha! I can fully understand that kind of walking with Bentley. When he is through, we must sit becasue he isn't moving! BOL!

    1. BOL! It are hard to make a basset move when he are done.

  4. Ted's dead. It appears they hung him at sunrise. C;mon Ted, my patootie.

  5. That's too hot for even zombies!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Mayorz For All Paws

    1. Yeah, maybe dey's stayin away since dey'd rot so quick down here.

  6. No wonder the zombies were in hiding...and I think in that kind of heat...anything above 75, I would sit on the job, too.

    Stay cool & fresh!

  7. Replies
    1. Well, when I wuz out in da afternoon, I wuz in my pool, so I were nice and cool.

  8. Who wants walkies at 103! We'll take snow any day of the week! Ted is so funny haha

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

    1. Well, it were not 103 when I were walkin - I wouldn't have moved at all den!

  9. BOl funny. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  10. Crikey Whitley ...... Mmmmmmmmm I don't know how to say this Whitley but my Mum's got wrinkles. Dad says it's because she's a hundred and sixty eight or something. How old are you Whitley??? I felt a bit sorry for Ted. Why do humans laugh at things like that?? He wanted a nap not a walk. Nothing funny about that, aye??

    1. I are almost 12, so nowhere near your momma. Or even my momma, she are 27 which are ancient.

  11. 103??????????? OMD!!! Hoping it cools off for you soon!

    1. Doubt it will since dis are actually a cool summer for us.

  12. Gosh it is hot where you are! Do keep cool.

    Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

  13. Whitley, you are gorjuss. In colour, OR black and white :-)

  14. That sweet little black nose . . . just want to kiss it!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!