Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Eve Eve

Well, Chrissymouse are comin and da mommas is finishin up da bakin and da wrappin.  I'll be sharin some more pics of da yummy goodies tomorrow - dey still has one more dey wanna make.  I even snagged a bit of a cookie today - yummmm!

Today I's got a new dress - made by Finley's momma!!!

Does dat lil westie on it look familiar?  Dat are cuz it wuz speshully designed by Finley's momma - she drew da drawing herself and got fabric printed.  It are also da lil westie me and Finn is always usin on our blog headers.  So it are a real speshul dress - designed from da top to bottom by Finley's momma.  It also has candy cane stripe pipin (WAY COOL), mint ricky rack, and Santa buttons!

Ho Ho Ho!  Come back tomorrow to check out da udder side and for some more pics of Chrissymouse yummies!

Oh, and I's not da only one wearin cute dresses right now, Finley wanted to say hi too!  She wuz wearin da penguin dress my momma made her today.

P.S.  Sorry I has not been commentin on your bloggies very much lately - our internet are having MAJOR problems and I are lucky to be able to get on to get my post done each day.  Grrrr, #$#&@ Time Warner!!


  1. I was wondering where you were!! I hope you and your mom have a great Christmas! She's as spoiled as my mommy so I'm sure hers is gonna rock lol. Xxoo MaddiethePug

    1. Yeah, I heard she's got all kindsa good stuffs under da tree.

  2. That's it-out them by name in public. There hasn't been a good shaming in Blogville in a while.

    1. Well, dey deserve it. Da internet wuz out for hours again today.

  3. We just LOVE your new dress!!! How to have such a unique design!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  4. SQUEEEEEEEE! You have your very own fabric! That is the coolest thing that I have EVER seen! You are very loved. ♥

  5. Wowee! A dress made with such tender love and care!!
    That is furry spawsial indeed! And unique!

    Its such a pain when the internet konks out...sheesh.

    1. Yup, momma has been majorly frustrated since I can't visit any of my internet pals.

  6. Merry Christmas! ! :) enjoy those goodies

    Tucker and Rayne

  7. Golly, your own personally designed printed dress. well done Finley's momma! You two are looking even more special than ever today.
    Toodle pip!

  8. Your dress is just beautiful, Whitley!

  9. Now that is one super special dress - a favorite for sure

  10. That is the most special dress, we love it and think it is our favourite. Merry, Merry!

  11. Wow! We didn't know you could print fabric like that!

    Happy Christmas to you all!

    1. Yep, ya can go to and print fabric or wrapping paper or wallpaper. Momma also ordered some wrapping paper made from the westie pup and wuz very happy wiff da qualatee of da paper--very thick and nice!

  12. We like that side of your dress!! Very Girrrrrrrly...
    Boy Howdy do we ever know about the Phone and INTERMUTTS troubles.... we just now got ours fixed... We HOPE.
    MERRY CHRISTMAS to YOU and Yours!!

  13. You got your very own designed printed on the fabric WOW! That has to be the coolest one of a kind designer dress ever. You are definitely a red carpet girl.
    It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air. Merriest of Christmases Whitley.
    Sweet William The Scot

  14. hope you all have a pawesome Christmas Eve!! We are sure there is some good eatin' goin' on there! xoxo DakotasDen


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