Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hoppy Easter Y'all!

Hoppy Easter y'all!  I's startin off wif my Easter selfie, I's thinkin my beard are lookin pretty flooftastic here, what do y'all think??  #BeardedLady4Life

We's been havin some crazy weather round here, one day it are almost in da 90s, den it are cold, den it are dis.  Can ya believe momma wanted me to do my bizness on dis Wednesday nite??  #HAILno.  Anyways, I bet ya can guess who'll be gettin a new roof (AGAIN - we just got one).  Which means roofers to bark at.  BARK BARK BARK!

My room are overrun wif Easter bunnies.  Ya know how crazy my momma are bout decomoratin, and well, let's just say dem Easter bunnies breed like rabbits.  If ya knows what I mean.

Dis are one of my Easter dresses - it are a pretty pastel mint wif sweet lil bunnies on it and bunny buttons.

But today, I are wearin da Easter eggie weggie dress.  I just wish I got some eggie weggies today!

But at least I look cute, right??

Again wif da Easter bunnies.

Da mommas do Easter big time - tons of decorated Easter eggs filled wif candies.

Dere are a Whitley egg somewhere in my momma's basket.

Even I got an Easter toy, it are my very only squeaky Peep toy!  Fanks Finley's momma!!

Hope all y'all have a happy hoppy Easter!!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Happy birthday Crockett!

Today it are my kitty brofur's Crockett's birfday! Well, ackshually her are Finley's brofur, but I'll just call him mine too since it are a lot easier and less weird dan tryin to eggsplan (yummmm, eggs) who is owned by who again.  Ya can read more bout his birfday and wish him a happy birthday on da kitties' blog.  Happy birthday Crockett, you's a good snuggle buddy!  

Since it are Sunday, I remembered to take my selfie dis morning.

And da calendar may say it are spring, but it are da coldest day of da month so far.  So I's wearin anudder new fleecey jacket.

I'm all snuggly in dis pink and purple!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Kiss me, I'm Scottish Irish!

Now I are off to find some Jameson and Guinness and get my Irish on!  Hey, it's past noon after all!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  And Erin Go Bragh!  But not braless, no one needs to see ya floppin round.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Wellness Pure Rewards Grain-Free Turkey and Salmon Jerky Bits Treats from Chewy!

Hey y'all!  Today me and Finley got to try some new treats.  Chewyda online pet store dat delivers foods and treats right to your doorstep, sent me da Wellness Pure Rewards Grain-Free Turkey and Salmon Jerky Bits treats.

Turkey and salmon??  YUMMM!

Da Wellness Pure Rewards Grain-Free Turkey and Salmon Jerky Bits treats are small, grain-free training treats.  Momma says dey are gonna be perfect for trainin me to use my wheels since they is small and she won't have to break them up.

Dey are made in da USA and are corn, wheat, and soy-free and made wifout artishul flavors, colors, or preservatives.  Da only ingredients are turkey, salmon, dried chicory root, cultured whey, salt, lecithin, and mixed tocopherols.  So nuffin dat my BFF Finley are allyergik too.

Dey shure look tasty!

Come on momma, lemme try em!

Those wuz tasty!!

Finley got try dem out too!

Ya can tell she wuz lookin forward to dem treats.

Her pic are a bit blurry, but dat wuz cuz she wuz movin so fast!

Me and Finn both liked da Wellness Pure Rewards Grain-Free Turkey and Salmon Jerky Bits treats - dey earned 8 paws up and 2 waggin tails!  And as always we wuz impressed by Chewy's fast shippin - our treats came right away.  Fanks so much Chewy!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, I wuz provided the treat for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for my opinion.  Although I would take anudder beach trip.  Just sayin.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Sunny Monday

Well, I are gettin my Irish on a bit early, but hey, when your momma's name are Kimberley Kathleen, well, ya gots to eggspect dat.  Besides, Ireland are pretty close to Scotland, right??  And dis westie girl could always go for a Guinness.

Last nite wuz a bit of a slumber pawty in my bed - me, Finley, Travis, and Crockett all slept in da bed wif my momma.  And we wuz all behaved and good too, so she ackshually got to sleep.  BOL BOL!

Today me and momma and Finley spent most of da day outside.  Wif weather like dis, it are what ya gotta do.

Yup, nuffin like a sunny Monday by da pool.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sunday Selfie

Well, today I gots parshually abandoned.  Finley's peeps left town and I wuz real upset bout it when dey wuz loadin up da car since dey wuz forgottin da most important cargo, ME!  But my momma (and Ally) stayed home wif us animals, so we is gonna pawty it up big time.  BOL!  Well, I should get some kinda pawty since I has to share my momma wif Finley - Finley are convinced dat my momma are her "second momma" and tries to take her over if her momma are not round.

Me and momma and Finley spent most of da day outside, my momma wuz workin on her tan and me and Finn was just enjoyin da sunny almost 80 degree day.  Nuffin like springtime in Texas!

I did get to go for a car ride today when momma went to Outback Steakhouse to pick up dinner and for her Ally.  And da girl bringin out da food complimented me on bein so well-behaved and calm.  Well duh, I know to be on good behavior when steak are involved.  Dat are just called bein smart.

Did ya see dat a Westie won Crufts?  Yay, #westiesarethebesties!  Congrats Geordie Girl!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Thirteen and a Half

Today I are thirteen and a half.  I didn't really get to do anything major to celebrates, but I did get some bacon dis morning, so I's not complainin.  Well, not bout da breakfast.

Da groomin on da udder paw?  What da woof??  Now, I don't really mind a bath, but NAIL TRIMMING?  And STRIPPING?  On my half birthday???  For years I never really had to get my nails trimmed - I just walked and wore em down and my dew claws wuz removed when I wuz a baby, so I only got nail trims when da weather wuz so bad I wasn't gettin to walk. But now I are not walkin, which means my nails ain't gettin worn down, which means nail trims.  Which I hate.  Wif a pashun.  Since I had to put up wif dat on my half birthday, I thinks I deserve a steak for dinner.  Just sayin.

Anyways, me and momma are doin ok.  She still wishes I could walk on my own, but I are happy to be movin at all.  Sometimes she gets sad becuz it are like I are a broken doll - still cute and sweet, but I just can't do what I used to.  But we really is bestest pals and I are glad she has been helpin me out so much.  And I guess I is lucky to have her as my momma, even if she does trim my nails.  No one are pawfect after all.  So dis are our song for today, it are a few years old, but hey, so are I.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Anudder Day, Anudder New Jacket

Well, we had anudder drizzly wet day today.  Yawn, dis weather are gettin BORIN!  Momma says takin us out in da rain are never fun, but takin lil ol cripple me out in da rain are even less fun.  Whatefure momma.

I gots to wear anudder new jacket today, dis one are purple wif bones on it.  I think dat should mean as many treats as dere are bones on da jacket, right??

In case y'all didn't hear, da chihuahua who played Bruiser Woods in da Legally Blonde movies passed away yesterday at 18 years old.

I wuz kinda my momma's Bruiser when she wuz at Hahvahd Law School since I always wuz dressed to coordinate wif her and we walked round da law school lots.  And she luvs pink.  BIG TIME.  And I helped her study by nappin on her law books, BOL BOL!

RIP Mooney (AKA Bruiser).  By da way, dat ain't Hahvahd dey is at in dat picture.  It are UCLA, right in front of Kerckhoff Hall.  Most movies dat are set at Hahvahd (or Yale or any Ivy League for dat matter) are filmed at UCLA.  Trust me, I used to walk past da film crews all da time.  So ya can't watch a movie set at a college wif my momma becuz she'll start jibberin bout how dat is really UCLA and what da buildings names are and BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Wheely Practice

Well, it wuz an udder rainy soggy day here.  I are kinda thinkin dat we may need to move da S.S. Whitley outta da pool and put it in da front yard to get round.

Since it are cooler, I wore anudder one of my new fleecey jackets.

It has a southwestern thing going on.

I's thinkin I look pretty cute.

I spend most of today nappin, but I got in some practice wif my Whitley Wheels.™  I are doin pretty good, but I does have a ten-den-see to walk to close to furniture and get da wheels stuck.  Which means I gotta go in reverse to back up and try again.

I's been practicin real good - watch your back Danica, I are comin for ya!!

When are dat Indy 500 anyways?  My left turns are gettin pretty good.