Friday, April 15, 2016

Flower Friday

Hey y'all!  Well, last week I showed off some wildflowers, dis week I are gonna be showin irises.  Finley's momma are BIG TIME into growin da irises - we has tons of different kinds and dey are all so pretty.  And April are iris season - dey are really growin good.  We has all kindsa fancy ones.  So, ya wanna see some pics of em??

And nope, dat are not all of em, BOL BOL!  Some of dem haven't bloomed yet and we has also has some of da more common ones, but I thought I'd just show off da more speshul ones today.  Which one are your favorite?


  1. Wow! I had NO IDEA there were so many types of iris.
    And all so pretty too.

    1. Yeah, and we has even more dat hasn't bloomed yet. I think da mommas might even have more irises dan I do dresses!

  2. Oh wow! Your flowers are beautiful!!

  3. Our ghostwriter loves irises too, and was so happy to see all of yours! Our irises won't be blooming for another month or so.

  4. We have been seeing your's and Finey's Mamas most gorgeous Iris's on the Facebooks this week! Mama just loves all the beautiful varieties you all have!!!! Thanks for joining us for Flower Friday this week!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  5. Stunning!!!! What beautiful flowers and colours
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  6. Such a variety of beautiful colors
    Lily & Edward

  7. Wow, that's a lot of irises! How pretty!

  8. whitley, honest ta cod we canna pix a fav o rite; they all is total lee awesum !!! high paws two yur mom finley ~~~ waves two ewe two....hope angie iz doin 100 purr cent better...we send R veree best

    heerz two a tiger shovelnose catfish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

    1. Yup, she are doin better - she gacked up a hairball, but udder dan dat she are doin good.

  9. My Mom loves flowers. She spends lots of time in her garden. But no flowers are as lovely as you

  10. Some of them can star in my game, "Angry Boids".

  11. OMD Whitley those are so beautiful. We can't believe there are more than that to see.

  12. Wow, those are evfur so spawsial and beauteous!

    Do you have any dresses with irises in them??

    We are still in the daffodil stages here...
    We hope your flowers did not get all smashed by that nasty hail you had.

    1. Nope, no iris dresses (yet - BOL!)

      Some got beat up by da hail, but most of dem made it through ok. We're just hopin we's done wif dat - da whole next week are sposed to be storms, but I think our big threat is going to be flooding, not hail.

    2. That would drown all your pretty blooms too. Sheesh. Not to mention your porch....I remember how you had to get that all dried out a while ago.

    3. Yeah, we're hopin it won't be too bad. Finley's momma cleaned out da gutters today, so hopefully we'll be ok.

  13. Wow - you have every color created! They are just beautiful!

  14. These irises are absolutely STUNNING!!! Beautiful photos...each flower is just gorgeous...thank you for sharing!

  15. oh they remind me of fabric for beautiful dresses... your flowers are just wonderful!

  16. I love your spring flower photos on Fridays. You are truly blessed with a green paw! P.S. Thank you so much for the POTP this past week It sure did help. ♥

  17. those are most BEAUTIFULS gurl!!!! I likes the white ones the bestest, butts Ma likes the purple ones! Butts all of them are FABulous! Too bad we can nibble them...hehehe
    Ruby ♥

  18. Iris is Parental Unit's favorite flower, Whitley—thanks for all the pretty pictures!

  19. Hi Whitley, very nice. We hope that our irises will bloom soon. Beautiful dress too. Your mom has a very nice touch.

  20. Oh wow you got lots of pretty flowers!!

    Matt & Matilda

  21. Wow! Those are truly beautiful irises! Our Mama loves irises...well she loves gardening and almost all the flowers :) We especially love, 9, 11, 12,15, 18, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28...but they are all pretty spectacular :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  22. Pretty flowers and pretty girl!



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