Saturday, March 16, 2019

Caturday Art

Well we got artsy for today.

Momma says her next paintings are gonna be of us! 

I wonder if we'll get treats for modeling.

It wuz a pretty fun day for me. I got a bike ride, a walk, some time in da backyard, and lotsa snuggles!

And we got bacon dis morning!

We hope you're havin just as much fun dis weekend!


  1. You are having a GREAT weekend and we can't wait to see your momma's paintings of you! Happy St Patrick's Day!

  2. I hate St Paddy's day. Not only do peeps eat eggs, they eat green eggs.

  3. Don't know about treats for modelling. But you should be getting royalties for the use of your photos....just sayin'.

  4. @Molly the AireGirl - She says Finley are gonna be furst.
    @Kismet - No eggie weggies for us today.
    @C.L.W.STEP - It wuz yummy!
    @Bella Roxy & Macdui - Hmmm, I'm gonna hafta investimagate this.
    @Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady - We shure are!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!