Well pals, I finally know what wuz wrong wif my paw. It had a foxtail in it! Momma has been trying to figger out if somefin wuz in there and this morning a little bit of pus came out and then she squeezed it a bit and it looked like somefin hard and a foxtail came out. If ya don't know what a foxtail are, it are this nasty grass seed burr. Ouch! I probably picked it up on a walk, da mommas scoured da yard for anything that coulda hurt me and there wuz nuffin. I never acted like da paw hurt at all, but dat are cuz I are a terrier and terriers is tuff.
So I got my paws soaked in warm water and it are off to da vet tomorrow to make shure it are all gone. Which are gonna be kind of a pain in da butt becuz we are havin to switch vets and everything are so weird due to Miss Rona still being in town, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do, and momma says dat means da vet for me. Hopin it all goes well.
Brinley has been keeping me company and keeping da whole family safe from cars on TV. BOL.
Oh and Finley wanted to show off her furcut today. It's kinda hard for da mommas to groom her - her eyesight are not what it wuz and she goes crazy at da scissors, so it may not be a perfect haircut, but it are an improvement.