Saturday, July 18, 2020

Flamingo Fun

Hey pals!

The three of us had a pretty good day!

Any day that starts wif a bacon brunch has gotta be good!

Me and Brinley got to show off da other side of the dresses my momma made us for our Gotcha Day.

This side has neon flamingos!

And there's flamingo buttons too!

Looks like we're all ready for a flamingo fiesta!

We've also got a contribushun for Caturday Art. Yesterday, my momma did a cartoon of me and Brinley for our Gotcha Day.

Can ya tell who are who??


  1. Bacon brunch and flamingo dresses. What a great day.
    Gail and I love your momma's sketch too. We are going to be bold and guess that you Kinley are the one on the right of the picture, with the ears a bit wider apart and the smaller smile. But we really aren't too sure...
    Toodle pip!

    1. Yeah, you're right. I'm the one wif da fluffier pals and a lil bit rounder face.

  2. If you're gonna use birds, there's a royalty to pay. Send me a bag of sunflower seeds.

  3. THat flamingo pattern remi nds me of the art paper that kids can use, with a special pencil to draw on, and it reveals the bright colors underneath the black. No idea what its called, BOL!

    Your dreeses are pretty, very bright and cheerful!

    I think you, Kinley are the one with the fluffier legs??

  4. We love the details. And day that starts with a bacon brunch is going to be great

  5. FABulous dresses gurls! Your Moms got real talent fursure!
    Ruby ♥


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!