Sunday, September 26, 2021

Sunday Selfies


Well, dis are da before.

And dis are da after. It might not look like a huge difference, but my momma actually got TONS of hair off. And I MOSTLY cooperated. Of course, I managed to turn my head at "just da wrong time" (dat are just momma's excuse for her bad hair trimming, BOL). At least my furs grow fast!

Ok, for somefin a lil more fun - I are getting to show off da reverse side of my lizard dress today.

Dere's all kindsa animals in dis print - birds, kangaroos, koalas . . . 

And here's a close up. Happy Sunday pals!

Friday, September 24, 2021

Happy Birthday Ally!


Furstest up, I wanna wish my Aunt Ally a very happy birthday! I know it are long distance and I can't give ya ten tons of westie kisses in person today, but I are savin em up for when I get to see ya!

I guess she'll just hafta make do wif Brinley kisses today.

Momma finished anudder new dress for me.

Featuring lizards!!

Hope Travis don't try to kill my dress like he does da real things!

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Sunday Selfies


Hey pals. I know today are bark like a pirate day. But da pirate hat are back in Plano wif Brinley. 

I tried to tell momma dis wuz an emergency, but for some reason, she didn't rush over to Petsmart in search of a pirate hat. She did add one to her Amazon list at least.

So I are just gonna hafta bark like me today. Good thing, it are what I are bestest at.

Although, I wouldn't mind plundering da fridge.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

¡Happy Diez y Seis!


Happy Diez y Seis to our neighbors down south of da border. I barked a chihuahua today to celebrate. BOL.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Sunday Selfies


Hi pals!

Look, my BFF decided to pop in wif a Sunday Selfie! I miss her and I hope she are keepin Plano all barked up! 

Well, I has been keepin momma company while she works on her new paper and does fellowship applicayshuns. 

Yesterday, I gotta get dressed up for a football game!

Wreck em? Dat are definitely somefin I can get behind, speshully if what we is wrecking is rodents. Or maybe a steak. BOL!

But for some reason, I didn't get to go to da game. Oh well.

I woulda been best dressed.

One more selfie to finish things off!

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Sunday Selfies


Hey pals! I got a bike ride today! It finally wuzn't windy! Ok, udder dan dat da weekend wuz kinda boring. Momma worked on her new article a lot and I kept her company.

Look who it are, my BFF Brinley wif an adorable selfie!

Looks like she got da package from me and momma!

She looks way cute in her new dress too!

So we can still twin even if it are long distance.

Are Brinley kissin my Bowie?? I are gettin jealous, BOL!

Ok, ya can't be mad at dat face. 

Well, I got to wear da udder side of my new space dress today too!

There are all kinds rocket ships on it!

Here are a close up.

And here are my selfie!

Happy Sunday!

Friday, September 3, 2021

Spacey Kinley?


Hi pals!

Well, momma made me a new dress.

As ya can tell, it are space-themed. Momma said dis are appropriate since I act spacey sometimes.

Yeah, she thinks she are funny. 

But da lil rocket ship buttons are cute. I think she really made me da space dress cuz I are a STAR.