Sunday, September 12, 2021

Sunday Selfies


Hi pals!

Look, my BFF decided to pop in wif a Sunday Selfie! I miss her and I hope she are keepin Plano all barked up! 

Well, I has been keepin momma company while she works on her new paper and does fellowship applicayshuns. 

Yesterday, I gotta get dressed up for a football game!

Wreck em? Dat are definitely somefin I can get behind, speshully if what we is wrecking is rodents. Or maybe a steak. BOL!

But for some reason, I didn't get to go to da game. Oh well.

I woulda been best dressed.

One more selfie to finish things off!


  1. We barked the team we were rooting for too!
    Gklad you helped your Momma,and its great to see Brinley!

    Woofs, wags and aroos!

  2. You sure are all dressed and ready to root on your team. That's a great selfie from you and Brinley.

  3. I didn't know that you could even find Lubbock on a map.

  4. Oh Kinley, what a shame. You got all dressed up but didn't get to go to the game. And OF COURSE you would have been the best dressed spectator. But I'm sure you helped your Momma loads with her applications. And it was good to see a guest appearance from Brinley.
    Toodle pip!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!