Saturday, January 8, 2022

Busy Busy Bye?


Hi pals!

Well da mommas has been super busy!

Dey undid da whole Christmas tree! And before ya ask, dey stayed up until 7:30 (in da morning) doing it!

And dey put up most all of da Christmas decorations.

But we took a break to go visit Pawpaw! He has been lonely since Nana died in October and da mommas thought a visit from us pups might cheer him up some.

As ya can tell, he wuz happy to see us. And I got some cheek rubs.

But today my momma are packing up her car!

She says I are going on a long road trip again! Guess it are time for me to resume my posishun as West Texas Head of Security!


  1. Oh, yes, the return of the LWD from Plano!! Safe travels!!

    Be nice to Travis, OK?? LOL!

  2. You were sweet to visit Paw Paw. I am sure he loved it.

  3. That sure was a marathon undecorating session you mom and family did. Have a safe trip back to your West Texas post.

  4. Gail and I are so pleased you got to see your Pawpaw and made him smile. And you've have a nice long holiday too!
    Toodle pip!

  5. We bet our to PawPaw was a big lift for him ! Have a safe trip !

  6. This is better than last winter.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!