Saturday, March 19, 2022

Best Friend Time!


So me and Brinley has been having so much fun together!

We's been barking EVERYTHING!

Playing in da backyard - and doing post bath zoomies!

Chasing bunnies!

And napping together too! I gotta go back to Lubbock tomorrow momma says, but it has been fun getting to hang wif my BFF.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Happy St. PAWtrick's Day!


Happy St. PAWtrick's Day! Ok, we's actually SCOTTISH, but we can be Irish today, right? It are kinda close . . . 

So are we getting potatoes for dis? BOL BOL!

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Dynamic Duo!


So da dynamic duo are back in ackshun!

We are having so much fun together!

We has been going on our nayborhood patrols!

And barkin a LOT!

And we has been doin it in style!

My momma made us new springtime dresses!

Here are a closeup.

Yeah, we are da best dressed barkiest pups around!

Today I had to go do da vet - just for my check up.

Da vet lady said I was doing good and complimented my soft furs!

Brinley had to go yesterday.

So da vets had to be lucky to get to see us back to back!


Anyways, here are a closeup of da udder side of my new dress.

Now for some kissies wif my bestie!

Friday, March 11, 2022

Spring Took a Break

So momma says it are her Spring Break, but I says Spring took a break cuz we had snow here. Which meant our trip back to Plano wuz delayed a day since da roads wuz icy round Dallas. Which means I get a day less wif Brinley, but we are just gonna hafta make up for it wif extra craziness.

Momma has been sad dis week, her PawPaw passed away. Da last time she saw him, I got to visit him too and give him a kissy. He always liked seeing us pups when we visited.