Saturday, March 5, 2022

In Like a Lion?

So momma had me wear my lion dress cuz March are sposed to come in like a lion.

I guess dat lions in Lubbock are extra windy. BOL, maybe dey been eatin too many beans?

But even though it has been very windy, I are still gettin my walks. I just gotta watch out for tumbleweeds!!


  1. Yes you mind those tumbleweeds Kinley. I hear they can be very dangerous...
    Toodle pip!

  2. You look so cute in your lion dress. We think that wind blew its way to us as we are having a super windy day here today.

  3. We got the roaring winds coming from the southwest here in WNY! Wow!

  4. That lion took a bit of waiting, but he came here last night and hasn't gone home yet. We had gusts to 60MPH...yikes! Petcretary said she was glad she didn't have to worry about that old walnut tree falling on our house.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!