Tuesday, June 28, 2022

I Wanna Hold Your Paw


Yeah, you got that somethin'
It'll make peeps go awwww
When I say that somethin'

I wanna hold your paw
I wanna hold your paw
I wanna hold your paw

Yeah, I wuz holding Brinley's paw yesterday.

Today I are back in Lubbock, doing da West Texas patrol and (unfortunately) also gettin a groomin, da results of which you'll see tomorrow.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Rodent Hunting


So no rats today, RATS! 

But there wuz some bacon dis morning to go wif our breakfast.

And we had fun out back hunting rats even if we didn't find any.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Flower Friday


Hi pals! We has been having lotsa fun together!

Brinley even got to kill a rat today! Way to go BFF!

Ok, I are a lil jealous since it has been a while since I got to kill a rodent, but a dead rat is always a good thing.

Grandma had to throw it away though, so we didn't get to play wif it much. Brinley did get to toss it up in da air though.

Oh well, maybe tomorrow I can catch one.

Here are some of da flowers dat are blooming here in Plano.

A daylily out front.

A tropical hibiscus.

Another daylily.

And another hibiscus.

There's lots more blooming too!

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Almost Wordless Wednesday


Some very sad news dis week - our friend River Song went to da Rainbow Bridge. We are all gonna miss her.


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Happy First Day of Summer!


Happy first day of Summer!

Well, dat are what da calendar says.

Obviously whoever makes calendars do NOT live in Texas since it has been triple digit hot since early May here. Everyday we say thank you to our patron saint of air conditioning, Willis Carrier. BOL!

We got new summery dresses to celebrate. 

They has popsicles and ICE CREAM on em.

Here's a close up!

That means we should get popsicles and ice cream . . . right??

I got to be a cover dog model for da Summer Solstice badge over on da Cat Blogosphere along wif my boyfriend, Bowie. In case ya didn't know, all anipals are welcome at da Cat Blogosphere, so if ya haven't been there before, go check it out!

Monday, June 20, 2022

Happy Birthday Angelique!


Happy birthday to our kitty sister Angelique! She are 8 today!

She got all kindsa catnip toys.

I wanted to give her a birthday chasey, but momma said no.

So we settled for giving her a quick birthday kissy instead. Happy birthday Angelique!

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Our New Rainbow Dresses


Can ya tell we missed each other??

It are so much fun being back wif Brinley for a lil bit!

We has been having tons of fun playing together.

We also got to model da new rainbow dresses my momma made us.

It seems like rainbows are everywhere dis month for Pride Month!

And since we're all for more love and happiness (and rainbows!) we thought we'd join in.

Here are a close up - we even has rainbow buttons and rainbow rick rack!

Hmm, maybe we are somewhere over the rainbow . . . 

Here's momma's Caturday Art drawing!