Sunday, March 5, 2023

Sunday Selfies

Hi pals! Well, I had a pretty good weekend.

Well, minus da whole nail-trimmin ordeal dat happened on Friday. Let's just say I are not a fan and momma are not a fan of me not being a fan. Uhh, and I wuz very sorry for some scratches she got, but to be fair, well, I told her not to trim my nails!

So I has been having to work overtime on my cute face dis weekend. I think I are pretty much forgiven since I did get some snuggle time last nite. And I LUV my snuggle time!


  1. Petcretary used to have to put a muzzle on MJF, he didn't scratch, he snarled, snapped and bit...yikes!
    We don't like the nail clipping affair either, but we just try to pull away...but we don't growl or bite, for which *she* is thankful!

    Yes, we think that cuteness will help get you forgiven, Kinley:)

    1. I don't bite, but yeah, momma wuz not happy wif me.

  2. the main thing is, you nailed the nail thing at the end ;O)))

  3. Too bad about the nail thing Kinley, but it seems you gave as good as you got. Well done!

    1. Yeah, I think we both wound up a lil worse for da wear.

  4. Millie doesn't like to have her nails trimmed either, so we understand how you feel about that ordeal. We're glad to hear your mom forgave you and gave you lots of snuggles to make up for the torture.

    1. Yeah, I mean, she shouldn't torture me if she doesn't wanna get scratched!

  5. Oh dear me a mani-pedi will quickly ruin a good weekend.
    Glad you were able to report about it.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. I wish there was a way to not make nail trimming such a discomfort to you. I hope you got some yummy bacon for your trouble.

    1. Well, momma got a new nail grinder, so it shouldn't be a problem again.


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