Sunday, April 21, 2024

¡Viva Fiesta!

Hey pals! It are Fiesta time in San Antonio!

Which basically means da whole city has a big week and a half party just in honor of MY birthday next week. Isn't that nice of em??

There's even a parade I get to be in next week. 

Now momma, since this whole citywide party are just in honor of ME, I really should get some of those Fiesta snacks. Pass da chicken on a stick and some tacos please!


  1. Looks like you're living in the right city Kinley!
    I hope your momma came through with the special snacks.

  2. I get to open things, like the kids' sandpit, or the church fair, but never do I get a whole celebration in my name, and for a whole week and a half! Obvs one cool cat dog. Maybe you could run for president ?
    Partying aside, we loves your glossy selfies

  3. How cool that your city has a whole fiesta week just for your birthday.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!