Saturday, August 10, 2024

Model Behavior

So tonite I thought I'd show ya da other side of da new dress me and Brinley modeled in my post on Thursday.

Do y'all wanna see?

It are green too!

I think it are a good color on us, whaddya think?

Here's a closeup.

Momma has been working on another new dress for us today.

Maybe I'll be able to model it soon!


  1. Yes Kinley you do look good in green. But then, as with all the top models, you a d Brinley look good whatever you wear!

  2. Green is a wonderful color! It reminds us of the great outdoors! Now you're all set to go out and show off, BOL!!

  3. That is such a pretty dress on a couple of pretty girls.

  4. Those are such pretty dresses and we love the colour. Lee and Phod

  5. The green dresses are very becoming but, come to think of it, you look pretty in all colors.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!