Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Terrier Tuesday

Happy Terrier Tuesday!

Wow Finley, dat musta been one tasty cookie. Cuz I know ya is not smiling bout da rains. Finley duz not like it when it rains - she says da skies is peein on her!

Yeah, she are silly! We don't really mind da rain, but we missed our walk. And my bike ride. And gettin to bark at my momma while she swims. All we got to do wuz snoopervise da wallpaper removal.

Textured mauve wallpaper wif da harvest gold stuff underneath. YIKES! Momma says to just say NO to wallpaper.

But in more fun news, we got to wear a new dress (well, at least until it started raining).

And dis vintage print has lil terriers on it! Dere's white and blue. I's never seen a blue terrier. I guess some schnauzers are kinda gray-blue. Or maybe dese blue pups just got into some paint!

And look, dere's westie buttons! 

Now dat are terrierific!

Pee Ess

Monday, April 29, 2019

Daisy Does It!

Well, ya probably know how much da mommas LUV flowers by now.

Pee Ess - It are a LOT!

So wuz it really any surprise dat today one of our birthday dresses wuz flower-themed?

Dis dress (made by my momma) has all these cute lil daisies on it.

Momma says she wuz a Daisy a long time ago. I are not shure how she wuz a flower, but den she said it are like a baby girl scout. Den I started thinking bout cookies . . . 

We are getting cookies for dis right???

Look, dere are even daisy buttons!

Now uhhh, bout dem cookies . . .

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sunday Selfies

Happy yappy Sunday!

Yesterday we teased ya, tellin ya bout Finley's new fur cut. Well, today she's ready to show it off in a selfie.

She's lookin sharp. Kinda like her chompers. Yeah, I said it.

Brinley looks worried she's next for da grooming. Luckily, dat didn't happen today.

We don't have new furcuts, but we do have new dresses to show. Da reverse side of da bowling dresses my grandma (Brinley and Finley's momma) made us for our birthdays. 

Another strike!

And look at those cute lil buttons!

Yeah, these pawsome new dresses really bowled us over. BOL BOL!

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Caturday Art

Tonite we's joinin da Caturday Art blog hop. In our Spurs dresses. Hopefully dis won't be our last chance to wear em dis season.

We got all artsy wif our photos - and momma says she are gonna start a Brinley painting next week!

We had a pretty good day - a lil bit of bacon dis morning, a nice evening walk, and lotsa outside time in da backyard!

And I got a bike ride too.

But we all got da dreaded baff too. 

And Finley got a cute haircut (dis photo are pre-haircut obviously). And ya could tell feelin herself on the walk, she wuz strutting! You'll just hafta see tomorrow!

Friday, April 26, 2019

Fashion and Flower Friday

Happy Friday! I'm so happy it's the weekend!

And me and Brinley are happy cuz we got to wear one of our new dresses today! Brinley's momma (my grandma) made this one - she are super talented!


Don't worry Finley, I heard a matching jacket for you are on da way!

Da theme of dis dress are bowling!

And this dress are all strikes, no gutterballs here!

It are real cute and retro.

And look at these super speshul buttons - da wooden bowling pins are so cute!  

But we aren't just showing off our new dresses today, we are also showing off some of da irises in our backyard. My grandma has a bit of an iris addickshun and they is all starting to bloom now. Our backyard are so pretty!

And these are only some of the irises blooming in the backyard!