Saturday, August 31, 2019

Hook 'Em Horns!

Well, we got a wet start to da long weekend yesterday wif surprise storms!

At least we got our morning walk in before it started raining.

But I didn't get a bike ride and we didn't get to play in da backyard.

But we did get pizza crusts, so it wuz not a wasted day, BOL! 

Today we are ready for some Texas football! It's gotta be better than UCLA football, BOL BOL.

Hook 'em horns!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Game Day!

Are ya ready for some FOOTBALL???

Hmmm, considerin da way momma's school are playin . . . 

Are ya ready for some MARGARITAS???

Monday, August 26, 2019

National Dog Day!

Happy National Dog Day!

Although really, isn't everyday National Dog Day??

We'll take any excuse to celebrate though, and me and Brinley wore our Scottie dresses.

And since it are also Music Monday, we's joining da Mewsic Moves Me blog hop wif some fun dog-themed songs . . .

Momma says one of her hound dogs DID catch a rabbit.

We don't know who let em out, but they are probably gonna be in trubbull!

Are dis my momma's theme song??

Nope, this one are my momma's theme song. We's a household of proud bitches here. Happy National Dog Day!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sunday Selfies

Well, it's Sunday, so it's selfie day and we has some new furcuts to show off. I kinda have a lil case of "Mom bangs" - I guess I shouldn't have jerked my head just cuz Brinley barked. Oh well, at least my fur grows fast. And it really aren't TOO bad, my momma are just kind of a perfeckshunist. I think I's perfect anyways!

And look, ya can see Brinley's eyes again!

Ok, we smell chikken gettin ready to be grilled, so we'll bark at ya later! 

P.S. We is having problems wif our Facebook page, we STILL can't post links to our blog and now we're limited to one photo per post. GRRRR. Facebook can go Zuck themselves. 

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Caturday Art

Hi pals!

We's been having a pretty fun weekend.

Early morning walkies, time in da backyard . . . 

Unfortunately, da mommas thought we wuz lookin a lil uhh, fuzzy, so we had to get groomed! 

Finley says there wuz so much hair it looked like a whole nother dog!

You'll hafta wait till tomorrow to see da results since da mommas didn't finish until like 9:30.

We ackshually didn't mind too much. We both even gave my momma kisses when she did our nails.

I say we definitely earned some treats for dat one!

Oh and here's da art dis week - momma's Brinley painting. 

I think she should paint ME next, but it might be Bowie. We'll just hafta see.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Fluffy Terrier Tuesday!

Hi pals! As ya can see, we is extra fluffy after da dreaded Sunday baffs.

Momma says we need a groomin seshun - what da woof??

Luckily, she has been too busy painting to bust out da grooming tools.

She finished another painting today - of my BFF Brinley!

Hey momma, when are ya gonna paint your baby girl???

It's a MUCH better idea than grooming her!