Friday, April 8, 2022

Flower Friday


Hey pals! Well, I had a pretty good day - I got a walk and a bike ride! But den was da dreaded B-A-F-F. Ugh, why do mommas think we need to get all da dirt washed off us? Ok, to be fares (and yeah, I hates to do it), I duz live in Lubbock and da amount of DIRT I gets on me when a week just by going on walks and living in Lubbock are probably about a bajillion times da amount ya would get in other places. I mean, even da weather people describe some days as "BROWN" like dat are a forecast.

So my momma has been tryin to add some color (other than reddish brown that are).

We don't have da kinda flowers to rival Brinley but my momma are TRYING to grow some in da flower pots.

Happy weekend pals!


  1. Hi Kinley,
    Gail and I are so pleased to see you have some flowers which are not brown! Gail remembers finding Oklahoma very brown for much of the year, despite the part of the state where she was living being called 'Green Country'. These things are all relative!

    1. BOL, well, here dey just describe da weather as brown, BOL.

  2. Sorry to hear you had to have a bath, but your flowers are so pretty. We do see some of that brown residue on your flowers though.

  3. Mommy lived in Lubbock for 2 years with 5 cats, a Basset Hound and a mutt named Chumley. The cats rarely got a bath and the dogs only four times a year. The back yard was large and not too dirty.

    1. Lucky! Momma has heard spring are da worst for da dirt.

  4. Kali and I only have to get groomed and bathed four times a year here in AZ

    1. Problem are my hair grows right in my eyes, so I need it trimmed more often.

  5. We are learning all about brown...AND weekly baffs, YUCK!!
    Those are some pretty flowers, your Mama is doing a great job!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Sunny

  6. Thank you for showing your beautiful and unique blooms


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