Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Mint To Be


So today we are wearing da mint side of our new dresses.

I guess ya could say it wuz mint to be.

Or not if ya is not a fan of bad puns. BOL! 

Here's a close up of da dress.

Anyways, we got another walk today. And we got to woof at da Zombie Dogs dat walk around.

Barking zombies? Now dat are something we wuz mint to do!


  1. We barked at the dog way across the street not even close to our den,,,but still, if we see em we bark em!
    Not to mention the dude who had the audacity to stop his car in front of our house and get out...(presumably to do something with the front passenger side)...and then he got back in the car cause we were telling him to get lost!

    We do like that minty color, did you taste test them for mint flavor?

  2. Those dresses are so cute and you two are cute in them.

  3. Adorable dresses - we love the color!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  4. You pups always have the best fashions, and look good in any color!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!