Saturday, November 4, 2023

Westie Weekend!

Arooo pals!

I are so happy it are da weekend - dat means fun walks on da nature trail for me. And extra snuggle time!

Dis are da reverse side of da new dress grandma made me.

See da dancing skeletons? 

Anyways, it has been a busy weekend for me - there's so much to see and bark!

But I am just da girl to do it.


  1. We love that side of your dress. How lucky you are to get to go on walks around so much nature.

  2. That's a pretty dress Kinley. We love it that you are getting fun walks on the nature trail too!

  3. We only get to deal with the nature in our yard...though there is plenty of it on our stroll, too...though everything seems to hide when we get nearby...


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!