Sunday, February 11, 2024

Super Sunday Selfie

So I heard Taylor's boyfriend is playing at the Usher concert? BOL BOL, just kidding. But yeah, it are da Super Bowl and dat means Super Snacks - da day started off wif bacon - nuffin like a lil pork to get ready for some pigskin!


  1. Glad you got some yummy snacks! Petcretary was at her work,a nd so she only saw snatches of that game in resident rooms...but there were a lot more visitors who were watching with their loved ones. How sweet is that?!

  2. we got just the bowl and it was empty... LOL

  3. We hope you enjoyed the big game and the half time show. You're looking as cute as ever, Kinley.

  4. So much excitement - right? I hope you enjoyed the game!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!