Well, Brinley's momma still has not fired up da smoker, but I are practicin my begging face. I don't she how she could resist dis. Maybe I could hypnotize her . . .
Ya is a pawsome big sister - ya taught us how to scruff, how to be friends wif kitties, and how to patrol da nayborhood for zombiez! We couldn't ask for a better big sister and ya deserve da pawsome day ya had.
We started off today wif a speshul birthday brunch (we all got some) - eggs, bacon, and cheeze - YUMMM!
And look at all dose presents!
Finley is da queen of opening toys!
She got 4 new squeaky toys.
And a box of cookies, 3 new jackets, 3 new onesies, and 2 new t-shirts for a total of THIRTEEN presents!
And STEAK for dinner!
Finley even got a birthday cake!
Better sing fast mommas!
We all got a lil slice.
Finley devoured hers!
And of course da birthday girl got lotsa snuggles!
Happy birthday Finley! Hope ya has a bajillion more!