Sunday, June 30, 2019

Sunday Selfies

It's Sunday so it's selfie time!

We had a fun weekend.

Walks, getting bacon yesterday and pizza crusts today . . . 

Barking da TV (ok, dat are just Brinley but she definitely barks it enuf for at least three dogs) . . .

Going on bike rides and barkin my momma while she swims . . . 

Yeah, it's been a busy weekend for us! Hope you had fun too!

We tried to join da blog hop, but it are not working for us.


  1. Bacon AND Pizza bones??!!! SCORE!!!! Lucky puppers!
    Ruby ♥

  2. WOW, that is sooo busy, you girls sure do have quite a social life. And a happy social life makes for wonderful selfies :)
    My schedule of naps and hunting was too busy to permit too much in the way of food, so I do feel a bit hard done by, but I am sure I will get over that for a few treats (big HINT there to my staff ;) )
    Have a nice relaxing week

  3. Sounds very busy. But bacon and pizza bones...bonus!

  4. it's not the sun what makes a sunday special, your selfies make it to a real howliday ;O)

  5. And maybe one day you'll even get bacon and pizza crusts both on the same day.
    That truly would be hitting the jackpot.
    Toodle pip!

  6. Pizza! yummmmmmmm
    Happy July, girls!

  7. Our weather was not the best, but we still had some fun on the weekend.

  8. Pizza AND bacon!!!!!! Wow, thats a pawfect week!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  9. You ladies sure live the good life!

  10. Whew! We bet you slept in on Monday...that was a bunch of things to pack into one weekend!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  11. It sounds like you all are having a great time. We loved your selfies.

  12. Sounds like a great weekend. Bacon and pizza crust. Nothing can top that goodness. Thanks for sharing the lovely selfies. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  13. We are both crazypants barkers, too...when the neighbors come and go, esp if they are outside with their wee kids...and the other neighbors, when she mows the lawn, and when her big kids go swimming...nevermind the bike riders, the joggers and the delivery peeps...and of course we bark at most anything that moves....

    Petcretary feels ya:)

    Your selfies are fun and glad your weekend was too!

  14. @Ruby - Yup, we scored!
    @Erin the Cat Princess - Hope ya get LOTSA treats Erin!
    @Bella Roxy & Macdui - Dey were yummy!
    @easyweimaraner - Awww, fanks!
    @Bouncing Bertie - I wish!
    @Molly the AireGirl - Fanks!
    @My GBGV Life - Glad ya still had some fun.
    @Kismet - I prefer floating.
    @Julie - It wuz!
    @C.L.W.STEP - We do!
    @The Gang at LLB - Yeah, we were busy puppers!
    @Millie and Walter - Fanks!
    @World of Animals, Inc - Awww, fanks!
    @Foley Monster, Pocket and River Song - It wuz pretty good!
    @Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs - Sounds like us!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!