Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Happy Mardi Gras!

Happy Mardi Gras!

The three of us are ready to pawty!

Speshully if that partyin involves some treats! And I know tennis balls aren't a tradishinul thing to throw for Mardi Gras, but they're so much more fun to chase than beads . . . 

Laissez les bon temps (and les bon tennis balls) rouler! 


  1. have a super mardi gras party, with good muzak and a giant king cake!!!

  2. Happy Mardi Gras, girls! You look fabulous!

  3. We hope you got to chase lots of tennis balls for Mardi Gras.

  4. Glad you ladies had a good time on Mardi Gras! Hope you got some extra treats!

  5. Were they purple, gold and green tennis balls? You are so cute, hope you had fun!

  6. We know you girls know how to pawty! Your dresses demand lots of beads and treats!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


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