Monday, September 14, 2020

Monday Music

Hi pals!

Well, we had a pretty good day today.

Lotsa snacks and cuddles!

Momma finished up another dress for me and Brinley this weekend. 

Here's a closeup.

It's a fun graphic print and it goes wif today's theme for da Mewsic Moves Me blog hop - songs about/inspired by art in honor of National Coloring Day!  

Momma thinks this print kinda resembles a Kadinsky print.

As ya might know, she likes to paint. I think she needs to do more westie paintings! Anyways, here's some songs . . .  


A vintage Bowling For Soup. Hmmm, I wonder if it are chikken soup.

Ok, this one are called Painter Song. Nuffin like obvious huh?

Masterpiece by the Pistol Annies.

And Da Vinci by Weezer.

Cuz my momma are a kinda Disney-obsessed. BOL. 

But she are more than kinda Britney obsessed. 

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  1. Where does your mom find time to do all the things she does. She is amazing and we love your dresses.

  2. I enjoyed your mom's mewsic selections today, even Britney. lol I think my favorite song is "Masterpiece" by Pistol Annie. It has a bit of dreamy sound at times. Thanks for joining the party this week, my furriend!

  3. Those sure are pretty dresses. We enjoyed your music selections today.

  4. Do you make dresses for birds? I thought nor.

  5. Great music! Thanks! Where does your Mom find all the pretty fabrics and buttons for your dresses? My ghostwriter used to do a lot of sewing when the 4 siblings were growing up.

    1. Mostly online but sometimes she gets fabric from the local quilt shop or Joann's.

  6. Those dresses are SO colourful!! They look great on you gals!

    Did the three of you dance to those tunes?? Or at least tap your toesies?? BOL! Wait, you wagged your tails in rhythms!

    1. We actually do dance on our hind legs. Finley rocks and rolls on the ground.

  7. What a colorful fabric. Made me think of butterfly wings. And, a list of songs all new to me. Even stumbled into a Brittany conspiracy theory? A lot for one afternoon, lol.

    1. BOL, momma is a huge Britney fan, and yeah, there's some VERY interesting theories. And Mona Lisa isn't even the most conspiracy-tinged song -that's Rebellion.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!