Sunday, March 14, 2021

Sunday Selfies

Hi pals! It's Sunday, so it's selfie time. Even if it are an hour earlier. Or are it later? It duzn't really matter to us since we don't get fed at a pacific time. Or an Atlantic one either. Which I guess makes sense since we is hundreds of miles from an ocean. It'd be better if it made dollars though. What wuz I barking bout again? 


This are gonna be Brinley's last scruffy selfie for a while since she are getting groomed as I are writing.

Finley will keep being scruffy since she likes to snap if she sees scissors. Although, wif dat hair in her eyes I don't know how she can sees em, but she manages to.


  1. The scruffy look...see I told you so, Kinley! Woofs!
    The time change nonsense makes our petcretary into a mush...she took three naps today, BOL!

  2. we have some time till they confuse us with different meal times... have a great start into a new week anyway ;O)

    1. BOL, we just get fed whenever my momma gets to it, BOL.

  3. One can always see the scissors coming...

  4. We don't like losing the hour of sleep, but otherwise we are not fed at exact times either. Have a fun week.

    1. So far, it's been good. I got a bike ride, a walk, and time in the backyard today.

  5. We don't really know what time it is but we do know when we think it's time for dinner. BOL!

  6. Whenever my old lady patient at the nursing home sees me, she insists that I show her pictures of you pups ASAP! She says to give you all hugs and kisses!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!