Friday, June 11, 2021

Flower Friday


Hey pals! Well, momma has been busy trying to write a very boring paper. I think she should add in some pictures of ME to make people wanna read it. Or at least talk about steak or tennis balls or something. 

At least we are still getting to have fun. It's finally stopped raining, so we've been able to go out back and play!

And Finley definitely likes not getting drenched when she has to go out!

Today we got a morning walk!

It wuz pawsome!

Here's some of our flowers for Flower Friday! 

Have a good weekend pals!


  1. We're glad the rain finally stopped. Hopefully it'll come visit us for a day or two.

    Wow! Those are some spectacular lilies!

  2. Loved seeing all your beAuteous blooms, and your sweet faces, too!!
    Hope the boring ends soon...esp since now its the weekend!

  3. Your flowers look so pretty. We're glad to hear the rain stopped so you can get some walks and play time in.

  4. Your mom should should promise people a picture of you if they read the entire paper. They would read it for sure

  5. I do thinks a pic of you gurls will highlight the paper! BOL!!
    Lovely blooms! Your yardie must look FABulous!
    Ruby ♥

  6. Such a beautimous collection of flowers!!
    Rosy and the Gang


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