Sunday, June 6, 2021

Sunday Selfies

Hi pals!

It's Sunday, so it's selfie time!

Yesterday my momma had an idea. An awful idea.

Here are da before.

And here are da after.

Ok, I guess I can see now, so that are good.

Brinley got her grooming session tonite, so you'll have to wait till tomorrow to see her eyes. BOL.

Finley are warning da mommas - don't even think about it!


  1. oooh we bet that was da moon who gave all mom's da same idea... I lost one nail and da nelly even two... all others are still intact, the mama said it's a case for da vet, he has to earn da money da hard way hehehe

  2. You look so spiffy with those pretty eyes we can see! And Brinley...well her number is up, BOL!

    Finely don't bite anyone, OK?!

  3. You look fabulous after your spa treatment.

  4. Lookin' good gurls!!!
    Ruby ♥

  5. Our groomer is on vacation and we need our furs done so Mom is trying to do it. What a disaster!

  6. Hello girls! I am sorry that I miss so many good posts! Happy Anniversary grandma and grandpa! Happy belated barkday Finley!!



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