Saturday, August 14, 2021

What da WOOF????


So ummm, da couple weeks has been SUPER weird.

Well, I already wrote bout how my stuff got stolen. It just got weirder after that.

Momma took me on da world's longest car ride.

I guess Brinley's momma took her on da same kinda car ride becuz I got to see her when da mommas stopped for gas and den she wuz at dis weird place wif me.

Dere wuz like practically nuffin in it.

I guess da barking about my stuff gettin stolen on here worked becuz da robbers brought it all back to me. 

But they brought it all back to me here.

Den da mommas started taking everything outta da boxes. I guess dat wuz to make shure it wuz all here.

I snoopervised.

I wuz happy to have my BFF here wif me.

Da mommas wuz working like crazy.

But dey did sometimes take breaks and we got to do some fun stuff. Like go smell all dese weird smells around here.

And we got to go on some fun walks together.

Da mommas kept workin on all da boxes, and eventually da weird place started to look a lot better.

Dey even found some of my toys!

Yeah, dat wuz a good sign.

The whole thing wuz WEIRD, but I wuz fine cuz I had my BFF and my momma and grandma.

Well, I thought I had em anyways.

Grandma and Brinley got into dis minivan and drove away. And my momma forgot to follow em!

I are missing Brinley and following momma EVERYWHERE!


  1. Awww, Kinley...soon you will get to enjoy being in the new place...and Travis is there too, right? And at least you got all your toys...the robbers were thwarted from taking them forever.
    And I do think that when she can, your Momma will take you to see Brinley and Bowie and Angelique...just imagine what a reunion you will have!!

    Here's some good woofs to keep you company:

    Woofs form Dalton & Benji and some wiggly wags, too:)

  2. Hari Om
    Aw you and Travis are going to have to be extra supportive of each other now. I know. Radical. But it will all start to make sense again soon and then you will love that it it your terriertry and yours alone! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. You sure have had quite a crazy time lately. We hope you and Travis will be able to enjoy your new home. It's good to hear that all your toys made it back to you and we're sure you have plenty of treats there too.

  4. Well, that sounds stressful, and kind of scary. We can't imagine having to deal with changes like that! Hopefully things will settle down and all will be well.

  5. It is impossible to figure out what these humans are doing with the driving and the boxes, but remember wherever your mom is, that's home.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!