Sunday, February 27, 2022

Sunday Selfie


So I got a nice walk in da park today and I got to help momma try out her new grill. And I also got lotsa cuddles since momma got some bad news about her PawPaw (he is going into hospice care), so she needed some cuddles. Just call on me, da Snuggle Pup, reporting for duty.


  1. Oh, I am sorry to hear that about your Momma's PawPaw. That is rather sad.
    Petcretary says the hospice peeps she works with are wonderful, we hope your Momma will think so too.
    Hugs and love to her.

    Your selfie is sweet today, Kinley. Take good care of your Momma, she needs lots of your Westie kisses and cuddles.

    ( &hearts )

  2. we are so sorry for the pawpaw of your mama... and we send hope and lots of good wishes...

  3. Well done Kinley and keep up those cuddles. They will help your momma at this sad family time.

  4. Your selfie is so cute. Your momma is lucky to have you there to cuddle with when she heard such sad news about her PawPaw.

  5. kinley; ewe izza total lee awesum pup...♥♥♥♥ we iz troo lee sorree ta lurn bout pawpaw.... :( ♥♥♥

  6. Sending lots of POTP to your Mama and we know she is getting the best snuggles in all of Texas!
    Jakey, Rosy and Sunny

  7. You need to go to hospice and give someone you know a big slobbering heartfelt kiss.

  8. You did great. Right now people need lots of snuggles.

  9. HI Kinley. You are doing a good job taking care of your Mama when she needs you. And you look so pretty in your picture. XOX Lucy, Xena and Chia


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