Saturday, February 19, 2022

Weird Big Dogs

Hey pals, well as ya can see, I survived da grooming ordeal yesterday. And there wuz SO much fur that came off and I are still dis fluffy. It duz feel good to be a lil lighter though. Today I went on my walk in da park - well, there some really weird big dogs there. And I mean WEIRD - I are used to big dogs (even if I don't like da ones dat run too close to me much) but there were HUGE. And one of em even had a human riding it!! OMD!!! 

Well, I didn't mind em cuz at least dey wasn't running at me while dere human tossed a chuck-it. But still, VERY weird.


  1. At least it wasn't weird Big Bird.

    1. Nope, in fact da geese, most of da birds in da park, left.

  2. Pro tip: Don't walk behind them, their poo is bigger than you.

  3. You look great after your grooming. Those sure were big dogs to have a human sitting on it.

  4. We love your 'new' look! Fluffy and cute!

    Those sure are big 'nuff pups if a peep can sit on them, BOL!

    We would have tried to scare them away with some gruff barks...but then may they wouldn't give us no heed...

  5. Wow! I hope the humans picked up after those huge doggies!


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!