Saturday, July 30, 2022

Friday, July 29, 2022

Flower Friday


So that wuz one tasty cookie, obviously!

I had to endure da groomings yesterday. Ya wouldn't be able to tell, but there wuz about a trash can full of hair - who needs all this fur when it feels cool on a 95 degree day?? 

We only has a couple flowers for Flower Friday - an African violet from inside. And a petunia from outside!

Have a pawsome weekend!

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Wordless Wednesday



Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Shark Week


Here are a pickshure one of da most fearsome creatures known to man. Dis apex predator strikes fear into da hearts of everyone wif its terrifying fangs!

Oh yeah, and I are posin wif a couple of my shark stuffies too.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Music Monday


Hi pals! Well, dis week da theme for da Music Monday blog hop are vacation songs! So I are dressed up in my tiki dress - I'm ready for a vacation too!

Yup, a holiday would be so nice!

So I guess it are a good thing we're all crazy here - otherwise we might go insane!

Are this my momma's theme song? She's always out in da sun!

I know momma wishes she wuz on an island in da sun.

So a song famous for girls in sports cars driving down da highway - sounds perfect for me and momma next week!

Friday, July 22, 2022

Kinley and the Three Hundred (Almost) Dollar Fart


Ok, so it wuz actually a two hundred and seventy four dollars and sixty four cent fart, but three hundred has a better ring to it . . .

It all started last nite. Yesterday I had had my bath and done my normal crazy run around da apartment thing. Which I always follow up wif a nice long nap. Well, I wuz nappin and momma wuz watchin da latest episode of America's Got Treason when I let out a loud yelp. She didn't really think anything of it - she just thought I had a bad dream. Well, later, she went to feed me and I didn't wanna move. Which if ya know ME - not moving when dinner are served are NOT ME. I wuz curled up in a ball and seemed like I wuz in pain. I could barely stand and I wouldn't eat my food or drink anything when momma put me down in front of it. She wondered if I had torn a muscle or thrown out my back or somefin during my post-bath crazies. But it wuz late and she thought I might feel better in da morning. Well pals, I didn't. I wuz still not wanting to walk or eat or drink and all I want to do wuz curl in a ball and cuddle momma. So I got to go meet da new vet Travis wuz meowin about - dey managed to squeeze me in wif a drop-off appointment. Well, da vet noticed my tummy felt funny and did x-rays. And I wuz full of gas. Yup, I wuz a gassy lassy. They kept me for a while after giving me some barium to make shure there wuzn't an obstrukshun and did more x-rays . . . well, it really wuz just gas. Momma says I shoulda just farted and then she woulda saved three hundred dollars. Hey momma, it ackshually wuz two hundred and seventy four dollars and sixty four cents . . .

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

On Wednesdays We Wear Pink


Hi pals! Well, we still has da hots here in West Texas.

Brinley are reportin dat da hots are even hotter, and humider, in North Texas.

Good thing we has da A/C, so we can show ya da other side of our new dress.

See da sugar skulls? Here are a closeup.

Maybe dey spent too much time out in da hots, BOL BOL!


Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Hot Stuff


Well, ya know it are H-O-T when my momma voluntarily wakes up at 7 AM just to walk me. Yeah, she are about da opposite of an early bird, but it are a lot cooler then (even if we did run into a ROOD lab who tried to rush me). I didn't get a bike ride today - not becuz it wuz 107, but cuz it wuz too windy.

Oh well, hangin out in da A/C are ok wif me, BOL!

Sunday, July 17, 2022

It's My Gotcha Day!


It are my Gotcha Day! Six years ago, I met my momma and got to go live wif her in Texas.

And I got to bring my cousin wif me! Yup, it are Brinley's Gotcha Day too!

Happy Gotcha Day BFF!

I had a fun day so far - an early walk and a bike ride. Followed by a nice long nap in da A/C, BOL!

My momma made me and Brinley new dresses for our Gotcha Day.

Brinley are lookin pretty in pink!

Here are a close up of da dress.

Momma says she are so lucky dat she gets to have my happy face in her life.

I hope she remembers that when she eats dinner tonite. BOL!

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Staying Cool


Hi! Hope all my pals are stayin cool in dis heatwave. I are - momma and me go on walks in da morning when it are not quite as hot. And dis afternoon I got a bike ride - it wuz 100 or so but wif da wind blowin in my furs, I wuz happy. Den it wuz da A/C for dis fluffy girl wif some nice cold water straight from da Brita pitcher in da fridge! Maybe I can succeed at connin momma outta some ice cream tonite while she watches Succession? BOL BOL! 

Friday, July 15, 2022

Flower Friday

Well, first up are an update on Travis. We got his test results back today - his poop, pee, and bloodwork are all normal. Da only elevated thing wuz a kinda white blood cells dat can just be elevated from gut inflammation which he obviously has. Speshully since he had da runs again dis morning. Poor lil guy, he are not wanting to eat today. So we are tryin a corticosteroid shot to knock down da gut inflammation. Hoping it works - then I can get back to playin wif him! 

For now I are stuck wif just momma to play wif. Anyways. today I are showing ya some flowers from Plano - dey are more interesting dan a repeat of last week's Lubbock flowers since nuffin new are blooming here.

And yeah, here are even more, but we are just gonna stop wif five. Gotta leave ya wanting more, ya know?

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Almost Wordless Wednesday


Well Travis went to da vet today. Long story short - we are waiting on test results and he has lost a LOT of weight. There are more about it on his blog - momma are upset and I are just trying to be sweet to her and Travis tonite.


Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Travis Needs POTP


Y'all know my kitty brofur Travis? Well, momma THOUGHT he wuz getting better, but today - nope. He are sick again. So he are going have to go to da vet tomorrow.

Momma are very worried becuz dis illness are just not making sense - he seems to get better, then bon he are sick again. It are very frustrating becuz nuffin seems to make him better.

So we'd all appreciate some POTP and good thoughts for Travis. He are a very sweet kitty and we luvs him very much and just want him to be healthy.