Saturday, September 23, 2023

Happy Fall!

Happy Fall y'all!

It wuz down to a crisp 98 degrees here. BOL.

But since we gots da A/C, I get to show y'all my new dress. Here are a closeup.

Today I went on a nice walk in momma's old nayborhood - during da week since momma has to walk me VERY early, we mostly just walk around da apartment complex. Which are fun too - I even saw an armadillo earlier dis week.

I wuz confused as to what that wuz, BOL. It wuz a big one too - almost as big as me.

Anyways, I have been havin lotsa fun and momma says she gets one "work from home" day a week - YAY!

Here's a closeup of da other side of my dress.

And don't worry, I'll make shure momma don't work too much.


  1. What pretty autumnal colors on your new dress!

    98F??? Oh, we would cook!

    We got up to about 78F here...and another nice day like that for Sunday's high.

    Did you bark that armadillo?? We sure would have.

    1. Nope, I think I wuz confused as to what it wuz, BOL.

  2. What a pretty dress on both sides! How great that you get to help your momma work from home one day a week.

    1. Yup, I know I are gonna make shure she don't work too hard.

  3. We will never got to see an armadillo but it sounds very cool. We have to work hard to make sure our peeps don't work too much too. Welcome Autumn - Lee and Phod


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!