Sunday, September 24, 2023

Sunday Selfies

Hi pals! It's selfie time! Well, I had a fun weekend. Today I got to go on a walk on the Salado Creek Trail. It takes about 15-20 minutes to walk to, so I didn't get to spend a ton of time on it since we still gots a serious case of da hots, but I did get to meet a new friend.

His name are Bambi.

We actually saw three deers - 2 boys and one girl. I was interested in em, but I didn't bark or nuffin. Momma wuz proud of me being well-behaved. Well duh momma, they are not other dogs. BOL BOL.

Then I came back home and hung out wif momma. Oh, and a speshul birthday shout out to my Aunt Ally - she are in Plano so I didn't get to give her birthday kisses today, but I are gonna make up for it when I sees her again!


  1. That sounds like a fun and active walk for one and all. A great place to have nearby. Those deer look quite happy with you all around. Have a lovely stay in your new home.
    PS please see contact us re our blog your prize instructions 🙂

  2. What a great place for a stroll. Lots of good things to see, esp those 'vishus' deer, BOL!

  3. Oh what a fun weekend, you got to meet Bambi!
    Oh and Gail says (pointedly, looking at me) well done Kinley for the not barking...

  4. You are looking great and so is Bambi, Kinley. Happy Birthday to your Aunty Ally.


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!