Sunday, December 24, 2023

Yappy Christmas Eve!

Yappy Christmas Eve!

Well, it wuz rainy for us dis morning, so we slept in in our elf jammies. 

We is trying to stay up tonite to meet Santa!

Then, like good Texas pups, we switched into our Cowboys gear, BOL.

I think I musta been sitting under da mistletoe!

Hope y'all have a pawsome Christmas Eve too!


  1. You two look like you're having fun waiting for Santa Paws to show up.

  2. Yappy Christmas Eve (as yappy as you can with the 'Boys losing

  3. Yappy Christmas to you! In those elf jammies you guys score 100+ on the cute meter.

  4. If'n you're under the mistletoe, sure hope it's okay for mine Mommy (this is JUNE here meowing this comment) to lean over to her monitor and give you a great big Christmas smoochie. Oh, look out ... here she comes ... right now!!! Wet, warm noses. Adorable. Happy Yappy Christmas to all.

  5. Merry Christmas to you and to your Mama, too. Hope Santa was good to you. XOX Mom Amy, Lucy, Xena, Chia and Riley

  6. It is lovely to see you two! Merry Christmas!!

    Marjorie and Toulouse


Leave me a woof, I'll bark right back atcha!