Sunday, December 31, 2017

Yappy 2018!

Yappy 2018 y'all!

We has our sham-pain dresses on and we is ready to pawty.  I just hope dat "ball drop" I keeps hearin bout means a whole ton of tennis balls are gonna be dropped.

It has gotten COLD here, but we went on our walk anyways.  Me and Brinley had fun in it, but not da mommas or Finley.   Right now, da "feels like" temperature are 13ºF - so we is definitely gonna be wearin our PJs tonite!

After da sham-pain and snackies of course!

I's just a lil pup, so I don't make resolushuns.  And unlike Travis, I don't try to make em for my momma - I fink she are pawfect just da way she are (and kissin up nefur hurts).

Hope all our pals has a pawsome 2018!

Yappy New Year!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

CATurday (!?!) Art

Hey y'all!  It are gettin cold here, so we got all snuggly today in our new llama jackets dat my momma made us.

Here are a better view.  Dey match our llama dresses I showed earlier dis month.

We is still goin for our walks (me and Brinley don't mind da cold like da mommas and Finley do).

Finley are NOT a fan of da winter.

We all got art-uh-fied today for da Caturday Art blog hop (which ya duzn't has to be a kitty to purrticipates in - see what I did dere??)

One of momma's resolushuns is to draw everyday, so maybe next week we'll have one of her drawings to show.

Happy Caturday.  Hey, if cats get Caturday, when duz we get a day???

Friday, December 29, 2017

Christmas Cocktails

Aroooo, y'all!

Well, Chrissymouse may be over, but we is still sell-a-bratin.

And today we got to wear da udder side of our brand new Chrissymouse cocktail dresses.

Of course, wif our mommas, it are never da wrong season for cocktails.

Brinley's momma really did a great job on da dress!

I tried to steal some of my momma's cocktail tonite, but she wuz not sharin.

Here are a closeup . . .

Chewy are so pawsome - dey sent my momma a whole bunch of snacks!!

I says she should share wif me - after all, it are ME dat rights da reviews, not her!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Santa's Vacayshun

We all know Santa Paws works really hard bringin terrieriests all over da world pressies.  Ok, maybe he brings some to da cats and da udder dogs too, but mainly it are da westies - after all da song says dey is dreaming of a WHITE Chrissymouse, right?

Finley says da food only works one night a year, da rest of da time it are da elves.  But even so, it are a pretty major job for one nite.  So since Santa needs a vacayshun, we is wearin dresses wif Santa and his rain-deers on vacayshun.  

One place dey is not vacyshunin in Dallas - it are North Pole like cold here (ok, momma says I are exagamaratin, but she shure whines bout da cold enuf).

Momma says she just wishes Santa got a vacayshun like my dress are showin.  I has NO idea whut she are talkin bout, I are shure Santa gets whatefur vacayshun he wants.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Tylee's Turkey Jerky Treats from Chewy!

Well, it may be da day after Chrissymouse, which da kittehs are convinced has somefin to do wif em sittin in boxes (like dey duzn't do dat EVERYDAY), but round here, da goodies keep on comin. Like today, we got to test out dese yummy treats from Chewy.

Chewy sent us Tylee's Turkey Jerky Treats to review!

Dey is made in da USA wif 100% all-natural turkey dat has been thinly sliced and dehydrated.

Da Tylee's Turkey Jerky Treats come in an 8 oz. bag and da average treat has 14 calories, but dey vary in size (I wants a BIG one momma!)

Dese high-protein snacks look delishus!

Finley wuz such a blur eatin hers, momma couldn't get a picture!

Brinley couldn't wait to try her turkey treat!

And she thought it wuz real tasty. 

I wuz so focused!

And a bit of a blur too!

I fink Finley wants seconds.

And uhhh, us cheerleaders need some high-protein treats to make shure we has enuf energy for tonite's bowl game.

Well, we tried, BOL!

Me, Brinley, and Finley is givin da Tylee's Turkey Jerky Treats 12 paws up and 3 waggin tails!  Fanks so much for lettin us try these treats! As always, we wuz impressed by Chewy's fast shippin - our treats came right away.  Fanks so much Chewy!

Disclaimer: As part of the Chewy Blogger Program, I wuz provided the treats for free for an honest review, but wuz not paid for my opinion.  Although I could use a couple hundred tennis balls.  ;)

Monday, December 25, 2017

Happy Yappy Chrissymouse!

Happy yappy Chrissymouse!

We got our furst Chrissymouse present right away.

BRAND NEW Chrissymouse dresses made by Brinley's momma (wif a teensy bit of help of my momma since dere wuz a time crunch).

Da theme combines TWO of da mommas favorite things.

Chrissymouse and cocktails!

Doin my model pose.

Here are da close up . . . 

 Anyways, on to da Chrissymouse fun.

Guess Santa Paws came for da peeps.

Chrissymouse are so much fun here!

Just look at da tree!

I fink I sees some presents for me.

Me and momma took a selfie together.  And yeah, dere are a leaf attacking my nose.

Finally, it wuz time for open presents!

Finley are pawsome at openin presents!

Seriously, she are a real pro.

I got lotsa pawsome stuff!

I gots 5 toys!!!

I are gonna have fun wif them!

And I got two new dresses from my momma too!


Momma says dey is for sharin.  Whatefurs, I says dey is for KINLEY!

I don't think Brinley agrees wif me.

She got lotsa pressies too.

And a Tigger since she are so bouncy.  Hey, what duz it mean dat I got Dumbo???

Hope your Chrissymouse wuz happy and yappy!