Yappy 2018 y'all!
We has our sham-pain dresses on and we is ready to pawty. I just hope dat "ball drop" I keeps hearin bout means a whole ton of tennis balls are gonna be dropped.
It has gotten COLD here, but we went on our walk anyways. Me and Brinley had fun in it, but not da mommas or Finley. Right now, da "feels like" temperature are 13ºF - so we is definitely gonna be wearin our PJs tonite!
After da sham-pain and snackies of course!
I's just a lil pup, so I don't make resolushuns. And unlike Travis, I don't try to make em for my momma - I fink she are pawfect just da way she are (and kissin up nefur hurts).
Hope all our pals has a pawsome 2018!
Yappy New Year!