Monday, June 28, 2021

Checkin In


Hey pals!

Well, I are finally back on my blog and able to bark again! 

Not dat da three of us hasn't been making plenty of barkamous noise in da real world.

Anyways, we has been having a good time.

We's been spendin lotsa time in da backyard. 

Well, not today cuz it rained. But other non-rainy days, BOL.   

Finley has been tryin her hand at soprano singin, dat are VERY high pitched squealing. We don't really know what are going on wif her. But she are 15 and we think it may be pain from her arthur-eye-tis. Da mommas just try to take care of her and get her to calm down when she gets crazy. 

We are doing our walkies in da morning now to avoid da hots. 

I are about as much of a mornin girl as my momma, but we stumble around until we wake up.

Yeah, nobody are an early bird around here.

Anyways, there's still a TON of boxes everywhere.

I don't know what dat are about!

Finley told me I are gonna hafta be sheriff of my very own hacienda. 

We don't know WHAT she are barking about.

Anyways, my momma are almost done wif da first draft of her paper.

65 pages so far and not a word about westies. BORING!

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Westietastic Weekend


Hey pals!

Well, we has been busy around here.

On Tuesday, Finley and Brinley's momma had her cat-or-racks surgery.

We don't know if da cats or da racs won, but somebody stole her glasses!

She can now see us across da room wifout em! Guess I are gonna hafta be more careful about being naughty when she are in da room, BOL.

There's a rematch on Tuesday apparently. 

She says if anyone are worried about da cat-or-racs surgery, dey shouldn't be. And just do it or somefin like dat. 

My momma has been trying to write a paper. So far, she has over 13,000 of 20,000-25,000 words. It are pretty boring though. We like it when she watches Outlander better - we like da bagpipes and da fighting!     

What else woulda expect from westies??